Please rename Competitive

It’s not “Competitive” at all. It’s as if the special Olympics and normal Olympics have been combined. There is a reason they make them two different things. Please let’s just call comp what it really is, a Clusterf#ck.
Calling it “Competitive” is a gross misrepresentation that could be considered false advertising.

Don’t get me wrong, I love (hate) overwatch and have been playing it for 5 years now. But the state comp is right now with smurfs, derankers, and the poor MMR system that is just not fit for purpose anymore. It needs a big overhall.


This. Low integrity, not fit-for-purpose, outdated. Clown fiesta.

If you enjoy playing comp for the golden guns, xp, or “LeArNiNg” - that’s one way to rationalize it. Trying to change ranks/climb is just too inefficient with all the MMR rigging and alt backpressure. No point bothering if most aren’t.


I mean low ranks aren’t as competitive as higher ranks.


Oh Poor you I’m sure smurfs and derankers are the reason why you’re low rank.

All the game needs is a hard reset once in a while. Even once a year, 5 placement matches isn’t exactly a huge burden.

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Valorant reworked ranked system like 3 times already and Blizzard didn’t change anything big in 4 years. Well, they gotta deliver some important things like new skins and boring PvE missions


Smurfs derankers and cheaters happen, in higher ranks probably wintraders too, those dont determine the competitiveness of the game. The matchmaking system tho is indeed very poor, and thats the main reason competitive mode isnt competitive and moreso coinflip. Its much more frequent to get a game u steamroll enemy team or get steamrolled than how often u get close games.

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If those aren’t a problem (i.e. creating an elo hell), can we count on your support for a full and total rank reset ?

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No need for a Rank reset.

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As I said before, I don’t think it’s needed, but would fully support it and enjoy the chaos that would come with it.

Agreed, but it would be so much fun, and the queues would be almost instant for all roles for the first week or so, and could possibly kill the game, or breathe a new life into it as old players rejoined.

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