Please Overwatch devs, do something of value to help this game feel better to play

2 hours of 4k+ scrims 5-6 days a week, 3-4 hours of comp after, if I don’t feel like ripping my head off, I’ve been doing this for a long time. I love this game, SO MUCH. I love playing in a coordinated environment, it feels amazing. But please, please, do something balance-wise to help this game feel better. the game is stale, balance changes do basically nothing, double shield is not going to go away with a few small tweaks, large NERFS, NOT BUFFS TO THE COUNTER ARE NEEDED

this game is going downhill, really fast. I want to love playing this game but the lack of communication from the developers and blizzard is just making me want to stop and never play again. This game needs a complete overhaul. We’ve waited over a month for a patch that did ultimately NOTHING to the meta. I understand that not everyone understands or agrees with the competetive side of OW but what % of casuals are going to care if you made huge changes to the meta to at LEAST TRY to keep the meta fresh and “fun”. this is a rant but for real this game is going downhill so fast and they are doing nothing to stop it from crashing:/


Have you been part of this community for more than a month? You should have realized by now what the developers tend to do to “balance” the game. It’s going to continue this way - trust me on that.

If you’re unfamiliar they will tend to buff counter picks and swing the meta or make new heroes that counter current trends. I would wager to bet that the next hero, whoever they may be, will either pass through shields with their damage or counter shield play in a pretty big way.

I usualy dont agree with similar rant posts but you wrote in a way that i have to agree with you :wink:

Does “feeling better” make them even one coin of money,
if i was the dev, I will spend more time on making skins, organising OWL, or…at least not on solving the problem for the “already paid” player who’s no longer useful.

Unless it’s directly related to OWL or to the ear of a ‘famous’ T500 with a direct line to a Dev, they don’t care.


I don’t think blizz is catering to t500 or owl players. Do you think those guys really want these boring games.

idk who blizz is catering to honestly, super casual players maybe? Why else have all these effective yet mechanically easier heroes. They have been dumbing the game down imo mechanics wise anyway.

guys, cash flow means EVERYTHING to blizz — Goats run till audience of OWL complained, not the players, not us.

There was a post from jk a year ago where he stated that they had direct communciation with pro players and some people (streamers) they had a friendship and contact for some time. He continued saying that they comment to them the balance patches and decisions and that, even if they hear all opinions, its said they took them into consideration as first and more "reliable.

YTou can seartch for that post, it was in the times mercy changes go live, when the devs posted in this forum.

Im not going to say it is a good policy or a bad one but pretty much it said which is the policy taken, mostly focused in top to down than listening to the casual player. Just as a clarification

they’re literally putting all their eggs into Overwatch 2 so this game gets nothing til then. literally you can see this with their absolute silence and a lack of content as well.

100% agreed! Character releases have had a good balance of high skill and low skill in between (looking directly at the release chart from Ana to Sigma) But Balancing has literally put all the power into heroes like Reaper, mei, Doomfist, Orisa, Moira, Bastion. (you can argue the Doomfist one idc just my thoughts on him but not the point.)

Personally I don’t dislike those heroes but they should never be dominant in higher play. They should be usable in all play but if they go against higher skill heroes, Ana, Mcree, Roadhog. They should rightfully lose if their opponent has better or at least equal skills on positioning and game sense but better mechanics.