Please nerf sombra

I play tank, and playing against sombra is really really annoying. 5 seconds of no abilities is a death sentence for most of the tanks.

She can hack over and over from range even if its interrupted from damage because of the 2 second wait. She can hack me from un-stealth and i have basically 1 second to know where she is hacking from and shoot her or im dead. But that doesn’t matter because even if i shoot her she has another try in 2 seconds.

If you play a dive tank its even worse because unless you know exactly where sombra is and are sure she doesn’t have translocate nearby you cannot dive unless you want to die.

I would suggest either making hack a lot harder to confirm (make it an aimed shot like Ana’s sleep and have a larger penalty for miss). Or make it a lot weaker than it currently is (duration of silence 1-2 seconds).


Yeah i would be down to at least divert some power away from hack. Maybe reduce the range, speed, or duration?

It is one of the best tools to cancel abilities/ultimates.

Even if hacking had a longer cooldown on missing a hack to make it riskier or some mechanic to avoid perma hack like hacking the same target repeatedly makes it take longer?

I think really the appropriate nerf would be the rate at which she gets ult charge.

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It’s a character design issue more than anything. Whoever thought “let’s make a character that prevents other people from playing theirs” needs to be fired.

That being said, I dont think hack is the biggest issue, I think the get out of jail free card is a bigger issue. I think she should have a translocate delay if she gets damaged as well

Isnt her ult charge actually one of the ones thats just a smidge under average for most DPS? Its like 10 damage per 1%, 6-7% per kill.

It only charges fast if she is landing headshots, getting cleanup kills.

It is possible to get her EMP twice before most others get their ults but thats as long as you are consistent with damage/headshots.

Her hack kit is quite balanced and is purposefully mean for countering tanks and most Ultimate Abilities. Hog, Winston, Rein and Orisa have the most survivability. But Hog and Winston also have some vulnerability when it comes to them not having healers. While Orisa and Rein have the benefit of Armor to reduce damage.

Sigma, DVA and Hammond are the most Vulnerable and completely shut down tanks against a Sombra. If you are playing those with an enemy Sombra that has keep you shut down most of the game, you’re pretty much throwing the match.

Ults cancelled by Sombra, Hog, Rein (very hard to time that right), Sigma, Winston (CC’s but not cancelled), Orisa, Hammond (Cancelled if timed absolutely at the exact timing they press Q, or disables mines after deployment but jot destroys them).

Dva Bomb is the only one that cannot be cancelled. Might be a 0.0001% possiblity if hack or EMP gets her the split moment no of pressing Q.

Pretty much as long as you have healing going on, Sombra cant punish you. Mercy pocketing a hackes tank outheals Sombra’s damage on tanks due to dps per.magazine size unless someone is aimbotting for headshots.

If this was even remotely true, she wouldn’t have been a trash hero for, quite literally, her entire existence.

She is only useless if,

  • she doesnt hack health packs
  • doesnt apply priority hacks on certain enemies
  • no one focuses her hacked targets, doesnt call out hacks (not really necessary to call out as long as those hacks are enemies in front of the team like shields and ult cancels/nerfs).
  • doesnt EMP grouped enemies.

Worth a shot, but I’m not so sure. In upper tiers of play she’d be grounded a bit more, maybe it wouldn’t even be that big a deal depending on how much you nerfed it by. For lower tiers (or more accurately, bad players in any rank), she goes from bad to worse.

Sombra in my opinion is a hero that needs a powershift &/or rework more than a strict nerf or buff.

Like… In a purely balanced game, every other teammate has their ult every other team fight right?


TF 1: Hanzo, Zarya, Bapt
TF 2: Rien, Ashe, Lucio


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I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make

I’m asking if the idea is to tune all the heroes so this is the standard performance assuming evenly matched teams.

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have you tried improving?

I don’t think I or anybody else has the answer, we don’t know exactly what the dev team’s philosophy behind that is. Besides whatever the current state of the game is, we’re just in the dark.

Personally I believe they should be more spread out if they’re going to be so strong. 1.5-3 fights sounds like a healthy range to me depending on the ultimate in question, almost all of your ult in a single fight if you’re really popping off.

Sombra’s ult is easily too accessible for far too much value. So yes for upper tiers of play an ult charge nerf would be a great first step for her, but certainly would be even more punishing for passive/bad players than she is now. I’m just of the opinion that she should be powershifted/reworked altogether, but yes your proposed nerf would be a great spearhead into balancing Sombra.

Good point.

Like… I think the concept of sombra is ultra cool. The problem being (as you said) 90% of players are too passive and fail to find meaningful value.

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Which is one of the few a reasons why I think a rework/powershift is in her best interest. Her kit doesn’t promote actually engaging the enemy.

She has the most forgiving & easily accessible escape in the game with the caveat that it can be destroyed if you know where it is & that destroying it is actually possible, infinite stealth, & her ultimate works extremely well with using either/both of those abilities to get in/out while simultaneously preventing abilities/destroying shields/eliminating shield health on in a large AoE.

Her kit is just too strong. The reason she isn’t meta is she’s just too awkward/coordination reliant for 95% of players.

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Surprisingly I’ve seen a lot of sombras pop up lately. They’ve consistently been better than worse somehow. Which is a huge change to a year or so ago.

all because the meta is dive with reaper sombra. Sombra can be a bit annoying yes but you need to changd your playstyle against it. So my answer to nerf sombra is no.