Please help me understand

I have played every single Overwatch competitive season since season one–exclusively solo queue. Granted, several seasons I don’t have much total playtime but I can’t help but notice that 100% of each season has been ~50% win/loss ratio.

Now, I know that most players believe that forced “Forced 50” is a conspiracy that only bad players buy into but I’m looking at this and wondering how anyone can say that it isn’t. If it isn’t, please help understand why and how. Explain to me how I am seeing this in the wrong way or what I am doing wrong in-game.

Well, it starts and ends at the exact same point, pretty much. If you’re at your correct skill level, what do you think your win rate should be?


50% W/L just means you’re playing at your SR.


Even levels of competition mathematically end up around 50/50 by the very nature of it being even levels of competition. It’s why life time records of pretty much every major sports league team hovers around .500. Even in sports like baseball that have stats going back to like 1912.

the issue with Overwatch is player don’t tend to look around and feel the match making is giving them even levels of competition. Even if the 50% win rates of most people when they find their SR level shows the match maker is better than most want to admit.


What do you expect your win rate to be honestly?


See How Competitive Skill Rating Works - Season 17 → Summary.