Sym Golden Glove Megathread

“We don’t have any changes to symmetra planned in the future.” :slightly_smiling_face:

They mean kit wise, sweetie.

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If it makes you feel better literally NONE of Pharah’s highlights include her rocket launcher

It doesn’t. At least Pharah has her victory poses.

Who knows what the future holds?

cant imagine symm will ever get anything. last patch just showed what symm is worth in this game…

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TBF the TP bug fixes were much asked for.


I mean if Hanzo can get his jeans tightened and his beard groomed because enough Hanzo mains complained why can’t Symmetra have a golden glove?

Because Hanzo is their marketable popular little golden boy.

I was curious about archives only to find once again Symmetra has been snubbed for characters who already have a ton of crap.

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Also, the fact that Hanzo got a Highlight Intro for a new ability before Symmetra got one showing her gun. :massage_man:t2: like I need to chill

As someone who mains both Hanzo and Sym and remembers the two years of abuse for wanting to play them, I’m glad Hanzo got out of that.

But Sym? Hello, Blizzard? Sym deserves the same treatment. Where’s her cool new highlight intro? Cool victory pose?

Where is the golden glove? Where is it. It took 5 seconds of asking to paint Bob gold, how much would it take to do the same for Sym?

Make her glove golden.



another day. Another day Sym is overlooked without explanation.

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I don’t like Sym, I don’t even play her. In fact, I detest her. But she needs this. If everyone else gets golden everything, why doesn’t Symmetra? Is she hated that much by every Overwatch Dev? There is NO reason she doesn’t get this, it wouldn’t even be that hard. Golden Bob, golden nails and golden hooks, heck, even golden dynamite. But no glove, which is something she uses all the time. I stand behind all of this, not that it’ll change anything.

"I’m on fire! Touch me, and you’ll get burned. " - Budgerigar

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yeah… but now tp just is what it should be a year ago already (=an ability that functions the way it was supposed to do). but its not the answer for tp being a totally wasted unique concept because its a trash ability.
finally symm still is a mess and doesnt provide a single percentage of the fun playing her that she could. she is a lame dd with a bad kit but weird dmg output on the other hand. so less supportive is left to her… actually there are few reasons to keep her up (just what the devs exemplify actually)

If only more people understood this. I appreciate your post.

where are the Devs? Last seen April 1.

Tbh a golden glove Sym sounds fine, but on some skins, it would be HORRIBLE. I think they should make it an option. Maybe some people don’t want to have a golden gun and a golden glove, as it would ruin skins like Dragon or Oasis. The glove should be an option, if you want it to be equipped or not. Period.

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The glove for Dragon is already gold. Just make it shiny gold and we good. They could just make the fingertips to Oasis gold as well.