Sym Golden Glove Megathread

I will hold my breath on your behalf. Call the mortician if you do not hear from me.

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See if the Devs just said, “yeah, we’re sorry it’s taken this long but it is coming.” I’d be like, finally :sweat_smile:

However they only seem to come to the forums when PR is like “guys, come on, speak to the community, Seagull made a video!”

It is literally old Torb with comments. Feast or famine and Symmetra is starving.

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Everyday I am looking at those three classified Highlight Intros. Wondering who is behind them. I’m hopeful but i’m also realistic. It’s not going to be Symmetra.



Daily bump to remind everybody of the injustice against Symmetra. I come bearing memes:


Considering how many heroes have double victory poses during events I will be super annoyed if Symmetra gets nothing for Archives.

Her last Victory pose was Fan way back last Lunar New Year. Her last Highlight Intro was December 2016.

She still doesn’t have a golden glove yet new heroes are LAVISHED with gold. It’s unfair. Shows how little Blizzard think of Symmetra mains.


Same with emotes. Her first and only new emote was for Summer Games 2016. Not counting dances since everybody gets those by default.

I’d especially like a new intro because the one she got is winter themed and I’m not using that outside of the season like some peasant. Unless I put them on random and it pops up in the middle of summer and I’m embarrassed in front of the whole lobby as someone who hasn’t changed a highlight intro in 6 months. How unsightly.

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I don’t mind Snowflake at Volskaya or Hanamura but I don’t like pairing it with Dragon. Doesn’t feel right.

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Au! It’s the daily meeting of the no gold in their highlight intro or victory pose club.


All members are present

Cries in Hindi

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and that’s on PERIATT


:four_leaf_clover: please give us a victory pose with her gun this Archives

:four_leaf_clover: please give us a highlight intro with her golden gun this Archives

:four_leaf_clover: or a golden glove forever


Well. One of the Highlight intros has gone to Hammond…

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how many likes/posts do we need before Blizzard comments on a thread. I know they’re never guaranteed to comment but come on. I’m not asking for a lot.

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at this point I honestly wouldn’t put it past the Devs to give Sym both a new victory pose and highlight intro that DIDN’T show off her gun.

:face_with_monocle: Giving Symmetra a golden glove would mean you wouldn’t have to make victory poses or highlight intros that showed off her gold.

It wouldn’t have to be balanced, it would just be a nice little thank you to Sym players. We’ve been very patient. We have been waiting for three years.

Im rly happy with the cosmetics she has. And she does have lot of gold!

Why do i have a feeling that symm will have a

Golden glove,golden turrets and golden teleporter and a golden photon barrier

The last one is a stretch i know!

Bumping this for visibility. Fix Symmetra - and fix her kit while you are at it. She is terrible F-tier hero that needs to be fixed.

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nothing she can show off in a victory pose or highlight intro.

hopefully they see this thread and consider adding it tomorrow