Please give ma boy reaper some love

Definitely a range cap if they go through with it.

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In short, cutting through two barriers at medium or long range is always gonna suck. So the counter to DoubleBarrier needs to be close range.

The armor changes make it so that Reaper/Tracer/ do 30% more damage against armor. (Instead of 50% less)
Pretty much any attack below 25 damage gets stronger.

The damage resistance cap makes it so that NanoRein or FortifiedOrisa isn’t blocking 75% of damage from Reaper/Tracer/

And while Sigma is strong, he’s rather vulnerable to getting Dived on. In particular his self-damage on his own attacks at close range wouldn’t help.

Remove double jump from Genji and give it to Reaper.

Wrong. That award goes to Genji.

That doesnt necessarily get rid of double barrier though, look at peak double barrier comps, they ran Doomfist and Reaper, yet double barrier tanks were still being played.

And more importantly Torb right click :joy:. On a serious note it definitely would encourage Dive to be played(which is good, dive is a meta the majority of ladder players can ignore). Tracer, Dva, Winston, Echo, Doomfist, Lucio, and Ball getting benefits from this change helps out dive a ton and hopefully does get rid of double shield meta.

Good touch, I wouldntve thought about that.

That’s true, if dive became actually good again, Sigma wouldnt last. The question is whether 20% armor makes Reaper and Doomfist powerful enough that they are often played in double shield, because if they are, Dive cant flourish properly as they chew through diving tanks.

Btw, I was thinking of posting this in the morning, but figure I might as well do it before I go to sleep.

[✅] Minimalist DoubleBarrier fixes

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There’s nothing wrong with Reaper and he’s a strong but fair DPS right now. The issue is that players are playing Genji, Tracer, Ashe, Cree and Widow and he’s not good against any of those heroes so you’ll be getting rolled by the opponents quite heftily when they play those heroes

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That’s not really wrong, though.
A small headhitbox decrase and at least removed RNG would be nice.

Reaper already fires twice per second with up to 140 damage per shot before crits.

I don’t reckon fire rate is the way to go.

The energy emitting from this post is legendary “ I don’t know numbers” but in all honesty his ult is definitely way better than Pharah’s so I wouldn’t touch its charge rate the think the one thing he needs is for shadow step to not be absolute garbage for once. I think giving it a AOE or smoke that does damage to enemies on the entrance and exit of the ability would make it a good area denial tool and allow him to actually escape cause the enemies wouldn’t be able to exactly see where reaper’s head is and get a free kill but would have to clear the area (no pun intended) to avoid taking damage from the ability rather than lining up a devastating headshot. But ya I agree lifesteal is perfect now and he actually feels fair to fight against with 30% lifesteal instead of 40% but they should’ve accompanied a buff with the nerf

Buff the tank buster. Hahaha. You must be joking

These heroes are fine. No need to nerf what’s balanced. Reaper needs buffs, preferably spread reduction and lifesteal from 30 to 35%.

why is it that people are still calling McCree broken? sure he is popular being a hitscan and all but he is hardly that strong anymore. the nerf to flashbang hit him pretty hard yet people act like nothing changed. hes got some of the lowest winrates out of all heroes in the game even if hes got a decent pickrate.

i think this would be a good change to make him more viable outside of his niche as a destroyer of tanks. tank counters are problematic in a game with low population of tank players. its hard to make reaper strong without making tank players suffer.

Yeah, thats why he needs a small rework.

I’m getting 50% life steal flash backs and I don’t like this…

Alright… so… here’s what Reaper’s 2 real issues are and how we fix them.

  1. His on paper numbers are ridiculous.
  2. Against most people, he won’t be able to use said numbers.

For the first point… like for real, your boy Reaper is rocking a staggering 280 DPS before headshots and a lifesteal rate of 84 HPS. That is straight up insane. The only non ult that does more damage is Bastion’s Sentry Mode.

For the second point… between his spread and fall off, Reaper’s effective range is… low. He outranges Rein and Brig and that’s it. Thing is getting access to both of those crazy numbers requires Reaper to get in range of… everything and his tools for getting there and not getting CC’d and exploded are bad.

How do we fix those problems? Rework lifesteal and Shadow Step.

Lifesteal gets changed to instead be an inspire like effect that heals Reaper for 20 HPS for 4 seconds, which doubles to 40 HPS if it is active at the same time as Wraith Form. Why? Reaper’s shotgun damage alone already gives him a wickedly powerful Close Quarters fight. He doesn’t need even more with lifesteal. Instead a self heal like this gives him sustain where and when he needs it most… when he’s out of range or stunned at a cost of somewhat weakening his Close Quarters fight.

Shadow Step’s rework takes some cues from Fade. Using Fade is… smooth. Super smooth. Shadow Step is in the running for the slowest and clunkiest movement ability in the game. So… reworked Shadow Step keeps the targeting system. However, instead of Target a location->Reaper poses-> Reaper disappears-> Reaper reappears at the target -> Reaper can start moving… now Reaper Targets a Location then instantly turns into a ball of gas and flies in a straight line very quickly to the Target Location. When he gets there he reappears instantly and can immediately move and fire. What we’re doing here is making Shadow Step less stealthy… but… without the entrance and exit posing, Reaper should be able to use it much more often and potentially even inside combat.

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Not to mention Shadowstep is still kinda wonky in positioning.

when he wasn’t in a terrible state he demolished low ranks so they had to nerf him back down to being trash. Idk I just think he’s one of those heroes who can’t be buffed unless he got a rework.

Let shadow step be cancellable into wraith so that he can teleport to high ground without taking a free headshot from hitscans who already dominate him.

Change lifesteal to give him sustain vs squishies. He has no problems fighting tanks, he needs help against small targets that outrange him.

There’s no reason he shouldn’t work like Doomfist and be able to burn abilities to engage and disengage fights.

I don’t think any hero without a shield shouldn’t have the tools to outplay longrange targets.