Please fix you map rotations this is getting ridiculous

Why is it that I get 2CP on at least half my games. And why is it that I get Kings Row once every 20 games? I’ve gotten freaking temple of Anubis 2 or 3 times in a row once. These maps are infuriating to play, and my favorite map of all (Kings Row), and probably a favorite of many, barely shows up.

And then when I finally get kings row someone leaves the game. Blizzard, please fix your map rotations. No one likes 2CP. It comes up way too often. Payload maps do not come up nearly enough. And out of all the payload maps, the others seem to come up way more often, like Junker Town and Gibraltar. I like Gibraltar but I’ll play that map 3 times with a dozen 2CP and/or Koth maps before I get to play Kings Row.

It is not exactly known what steps of process is decided for map rotation, but you have to remember the game has to pick a map that you and the 11 other players haven’t at least played in the previous round. Considering there is only 19 active maps in the Competitive Pool it is reasonably possible to see the same map multiple times (just not in a row) during a common play session.

I myself played King’s Row 5 times during my last session.

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There are 6 escort maps (payload), 5 hybrid maps (1 point cap/payload). 3 Assault (2CP) - technically 5 but 2 removed from rotation. And 5 control.

And yet the most common maps I get multiple times, sometimes in a row, are Temple of Anubis, Hanamura, and Volskaya. Control maps I would say appear second. As I’ve said, I’ve at least gotten Temple of Anubis two times in a row, so the “try not to do the same map” thing doesn’t really seem to be working out…But if I got Kings Row, IMO, I would not mind getting that second time.

How is this possible? How do 3 maps appear more frequently when there are 16 other maps to choose from?

Not a ton of people like Havana, but I prefer that even over Control and especially Assult (2CP).

My competitive right now: anubis volskaya anubis volskaya abubis volskaya

My compettitive past season: volskaya busan volskaya busan volskaya busan