JULY 12 - Please FIX THIS - Singapore Servers Not Working (PSE1)

I’m from India and I have the same problem. Hopefully they fix it soon.

From India too and my ping went from the normal 80ms to now 200ms. Help Blizz!

Same issue over here.

Same issue and also from India. Please, we need an official reply fast if nothing else.

An entire region is being shafted here.

I’m having the same problem since yesterday, I was playing comp with a bunch of people in LFG and suddenly we all have a very high ping around 200-300ms and I check which I’m in server with ctrl+shift+N and it says that’s we were playing in pse2 server and we were in Australia server and I tried to play multiple qp games after the comp and the ping were pretty high in all the games and I stop playing that day. And today i tried to play with my friends who were not in Australia server and I thought that playing with them would bring me back to Singapore server but unfortunately they also got into Australia server. Pls help us blizzard I don’t know what to do with my ping


Sorry for the confusion! Looking deeper into this issue we had a major event yesterday that impacted PSE1. PSE2 is up and running which helped a lot of users get back to playing, we are still working on PSE1 as we speak. We hopefully will have it back up today but we have no exact ETA on when it will be fully resolved.

Thank you.


Singapore servers are back for me.

Yes, they are up and running now, I believe. Can you please tell me if your latency is stable or if there’s any lag or ping spikes?

15% loss-in is what there is. that’s how many packets are lost on the way to my house to their servers.

pse1 is up but im still connecting to pse2 and lax where the ping is between 350-500, randomly like once in every three games. Anyone else has this problem?

Nope, I played a ton of Competitive yesterday. Got connected to PSE1 for all games. Haven’t had a problem.

Yesterday, everything seems to be fine.

But today, for some reason, Practice Range gave me PSE1. But for arcade match, I keep connected to PSE2…


Avoid Competitive unless it starts putting you on PSE1. If it puts you on PSE2 for competitive, it’s gonna be a hard time.

lol same. Practice range and custom games are fine but cant play qp or ranked as it connects to pse2

I haven’t checked mine today yet. Hope it doesn’t throw me on to PSE2 wanted to grind some Competitive Games.

Me and all my friends from SEA are being thrown into the pse2 server again. Can confirm, don’t queue in competitive until this gets fixed!

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Same thing here, connected to PSE2 with 300ms today, I usually only have 70-90ms ping.

Just a few hours ago I was in pse1 and the ping was stable but now I got back into pse2 server again with really high ping