Please fix Mystery Heroes

Even RNG needs some leniency in these cases indeed, how come the game likes to tell you about team comp but can’t influence those picks in some capacity?

yea just had a game, stacked zarya and junkrats and they steamrolled because we got nothing to counter at all. with 27 heroes, 28 now, you think there would be some what to stop stacking heroes.

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Withe addition of brigette, there are now so many shield heroes that when stacked, even with burst, you cant get pass them anymore. OW really needs to fix stacked heroes in MH because its pretty much become stacked hero steamroll.

Key to success in Mystery Heroes: Don’t die, get ult, profit

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The only thing I want is that when or if you manage to get that character again. I think it should continue where it left off on it’s ult meter.

MM is not rigged, can we get over with this? 50% matchmaking means ONLY that you will be paired with people from the same skill tier. if someone puts the effort in and want to improve their own play that will climb. The rest will always seek for excuses. Period.

Doesnt make any sense,it would only be about luck.

Next time instead of running straight into the 2 bastion,2 orisa,2 mercy comp try to stay alive,get your ult and profit.
ANY comp can quickly fall with just one good ultimate. I almost only play mystery heroes,its the best gamemoe in the game and i hope they change nothing.
I got a postive winrate with all heroes.


they just need to rename Mystery Heroes to Steamroll Heroes.


So blizzard ever going to fix mystery heroes?

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they are just being stubborn…
it will keep being mystery heroes… but without duplicates…
and the normal game let you keep ultimate…
why wont this one? maybe the half at least…

Just one minor fix… when two people respawn at the same time they get given the same hero… it seems like a default random number generator where it frequently gives two close numbers together.

Easiest fix is to throw away a result or two before taking one

Being the rng probably is initiated and constant, probably it’s actually where even timed apart doubles come out but are across teams and I don’t notice as much.

Either way, it’s silly how heroes keep coming out in doubles

Its getting downright silly, just had a game where the opposite team, always, always had stacked heroes the entire game.

Literally mystery heroes just gives me a variety of Reinhardt, Roadhog and the occasional Reaper. It definitely should be fixed, maybe giving you the same hero once or twice is understandable but limited the amount of heros you get chosen for is clearly a mishap in the development of the game.
Also, this is probably just a personal thing, but the chances of actually getting your main is extremely small.

And another game, the opposit side 3 dvs up to 5 tanks the entire fight, and my side… all not stacked. This is a real problem blizzard, its not fun to fight stacked teams all the dang time.

If you play enough Mystery heroes youll find that your heroes are NOT at random, I have 266 hours on Mercy and I NEVER get mercy…ever…or any of the heroes that are in my top 3. But I always get heroes that are in my least played. But when I play on PC…where all my heroes are at zero hours…I get all characters equally.

Mystery heroes should be RANDOM, not biased.

Besides the points other people have mentioned…

What sucks about comp is not being able to play your best Hero(s). You are restricted to not perform at your best a lot of the time.
Lets say you can play 3 characters at your highest level possible. You cant just go into comp and pick your characters you play best at and do your absolute best and try to climb.
Youll be lucky to pick your best characters 30-40% of the time. The other times youll be forced to fill in and flex to characters you are not the best at.
So lets say you play your best characters at a Diamond level, but when you are forced to play other characters you play them at a Plat or Gold level. What this does is hurt you team instead of the illusion of “helping”.
This is why a lot of people are upset at comp. That they cant climb because most of the time they are not playing the characters that they can contribute to the team the most and have a better chance of climbing.

And if you become an instalocker then your viewd as an a-hole, not team player. BTW I hate 1 tricks as much as the next guy. Im talking about being able to play at least 3-4 characters at your highest level.
Funny that the times I have tried to be an instalocker and just not be in chat, surprisingly I start to climb :confused:
But this just ruins the fun for others in Comp. Going back to comp being broken and there are various ways to fix all this.

They did claim to do some sort of balancing on it so it wouldn’t totally screw you over, but somehow it feels like that got lost. Like I would start out with a semi balanced team. Sure it was a solo healing Zen, but at least there was a healer. Now, we start with three Genji, two Hanzo, and a Sym.

Also I would like to see it pick heroes a little less. When I get Torb every other death, it’s pretty annoying.

I could tolerate the three flankers against four tanks match up if they at least put some sort of limit on how often you’ll get a specific hero in one match. I’m fine with doubles, but the same two in one match is extremely irritating.

just had another game where one side got endles stacked tanks and healers and won because my side couldnt get anything to stop the stacked steamroll

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So blizzard, when are you changing Mystery Heroes name to Steamroll heroes? because out of 40 games, i have seen one win and 39 steamrolls. Something is wrong with MH when its pretty much NOTHING but steamroll game after steamroll game.

Youre part of the problem if this happens in every game to you. I nearly only play mystery heroes and matches where you really got no chance to win are rare. Its not fun then but its oer quick and i dont wanna change the gamemode because of it,its all good already.