Please don't redwork Sombra

I love the old Sombra and I think shes fine the way she is. I love her teleporter and hacks and I don’t think it should be changed. Maybe a bit of a damage buff tho.


Honestly, I do not really want her reworked either; however, at the same time, she is blatantly not fine. I just wish they actually made an attempt at actually buffing her. The entire way they have handled her post-launch support has been very counter-intuitive and she is basically the only character that was treated in such a way, for whatever reason.


Oh my god, just because he said “significant changes” doesn’t mean it’s a full on rework. They would say if it’s a rework + reworks take a lot of time because they always have to include a new ability being added and sometimes an old ability discarded.


And here we have Sombra players not wanting a rework, while us Symmetra players just wanted simple buffs and QoL changes. We didn’t want a rework either, but Blizzard caters to the pro players and not the casuals.

The only other character I can think of that got similar treatment is Bastion, what with the whole “let’s rework this hero then knee jerk nerf it so it’s worse than before without even really giving the changes a chance” thing

how would you buff her?

buff her damage and then she just silences people and kills them instantly.

her damage is low because of her hack. am not saying she isn’t weak. shes terrible. but at the point where her damage is good she would be so oppressive

Knowing Blizzard and how they like to buff characters. Sombra will get instant hack with unlimited range that works through walls and has 1 second cooldown, permanent invisibility and explosive rounds.

I feel like it kinda was catering to the casuals. Most of the ladder hates Sym. In lower ranks, she’s OP and feels cheap, and at high ranks, she’s useless. Now she’ll be pretty good across most if not all ranks.

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You ask too much of people. :thinking:

I just wish her hack was more reliable. Fix the damn LOS problem and I’ll be happy.

ALL i want is for her to be able to hack brig and stop her passive

Are they reworking Sombra ? Good lord, they won’t stop till they ruin every character ive touched

they are not reworking her, they are making changes. Those are not the same things.

(I doubt it’s a rework but IF it ends up being one):

Honestly, at this point I’m fine with a rework because Sombra is just not fine the way she is, especially with the direction this meta is heading in and if they can do anything to make her consistantly viable I’m all for it, who knows; maybe a rework will turn out great for her, I know people are skeptical about re-works ever since the Mercy one but after how well the Symmetra one turned out, and considering the fact that at this point I don’t think Blizzard is gonna hold anything back for Sombra anymore since nothing that they’ve slowly tweaked/buffed has been enough, I think it would be great, according to Blizzard what they have for her so far seems to be really good, we’ll just have to wait and see! :smiley:

I just want them to unshackle her kit so that it is not self defeating. If that means a rework, so be it. They are obviously gonna keep a similar theme no matter what happens


Even Fitzy is not afraid. He is excited to see what they are gonna do.

Do whatever it takes to make Sombra useful and consistent.


I don’t think they would scrap hack.

They spent so much effort to “balance” it (.e. buffing it to hack passives which are REALLY necessary otherwise some heroes go unstopped) and then toning it down with hack restrictions.

Would not make much sense to just scrap it.

And I don’t think they would get rid of stealth because it’s also pretty useful and necessary.

I think they’d just add or shift power around much more significantly.

I know my GM sym main friend loves the changes, like he has been spending so much time on the PTR.