Please don't listen to the Brigitte haters

I don’t think you know what F-tier is.


Basically the little Tracer main full of hate that she finally got a solid counter who should’t be allowed to give his opinion cause he have no argument than insulting other users, If you know how to read correctly you should see that i was aware of the rally nerf and that it is fine since the armor stack is nasty anyway so honestly your little “translation” just prove how childish and ridiculous you are

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I am absolutely certain of three things here –

  1. You consider me to be an unperson
  2. Brigitte will be F tier by the time that all is said and done
  3. You do not know what a meme is
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As someone who plays Falke in SFV I can assure you that I know exactly what F tier is.

Wahh wahh, I want to abuse this broken hero that takes no effort or skill to get higher rank in competitive.

Only the evil dps mains want her nerfed, everyone else loves being stunned over and over. Blizzard if you nerf Brig you are only proving you hate support mains :(( I’m quitting if you nerf her!!!


Alrighty then, well if you’re certain, I’ll oblige and consider you an unperson then.

So long! Strange one! :joy:


Man, you won. Stop yelling at everyone.

you have to consider this. For them, when you’re facing a genji that double jumps around you, triple shurikens and dashesh you to death, while you were incapable of doing anything about it with your mediocre aim, it’s much more fun to hit briggites. Specially as a briggite.

I’m just saying, there’s a certain sect of support mains who loooooove it when certain, low skill floor supports are made OP/Super strong for a time. Then when the devs go to nerf them, there’s a bunch of outcry from them saying “Oh, DPS mains ruin everything! She’s balanced, why is she getting nerfed?” When in reality, everyone wants said support hero nerfed EXCEPT for them. Happened with Mercywatch, happened with Moira, and now it’s happening with Baguette.

Smurf btw, Ana main btw.


Sorry, no idea. WHOOSH

And yet you main Moira, Mercy, and, heroes who have been consistantly in either A tier or S+ tier since the beginning of Overwatch.


I think the main issue people have with brig, other than her being super easy while having a huge impact, is her stun. Comparing it to flashbang, its 5 sec shorter cd, lasts 0.3 sec longer, can be used at about the same distance, goes through barriers, and does double the dmg. If her stun gets nerfed, people wont complain nearly as much.

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I also play Reinhardt and Sombra, who you also conveniently omitted in your effort to create a damning narrative.

But you should look up what Falke is all about. She’s not just poorly equipped, she’s practically unfinished. She’s fun, but oh man is she unable to deal with even basic things like jump-ins.

I would recommend against replying to that one, they’re clearly…


Clearly what, sir? Finish your sentence.

Having a moment. :slight_smile:

increasing cool down on it would probably be a fair fix, in the games i have played as her [mind you im trash and ive only recently started playing again] her cool down is short as hell, honestly if you play somewhat carefully and not dive like i was you could probably get plenty of stuns off in a single team fight. i almost never do well, but with her i kept getting 5 player kill streaks before dying. her stun needs a longer cooldown other than that, i think shes in relatively good standing.

It is often more attractive to label others as lesser or unworthy rather than to address ideas. This is normal for the internet. It does not make it less vile and objectionable.

If you ever are able to get past this and wish to discuss actual matters, then I will humor you. However, at this point I’ll have to disregard your remarks.

People love to talk about how much they love supports

Until one can defend itself

the issue is when that support can be used by a player like me to walk up to the enemy tank and support, kill both, then die because a sniper was behind me.

Well looking how things are going i guess Brigitte will just be like Doomfist, nerfed to the ground while Dive comp will be the only viable meta in this game
It is nobody’s secret that Dive heroes are Blizzard precious snowflakes so…