Please don't fix the healing bug from Moira. It's great she can heal through shields

This bug:

Mercy can heal through barriers, so please allow Moira as well.


If that’s the case then Zen, Lucio, Ana would have to be treated the same as well, but since Blizzard has rarely done special cases, it’s probably gonna get fixed.

I honestly don’t care ,It’s such a tiny thing that it ultimately doesn’t matter ,just walk through the shield or make the teammate walk out ,you’re a close range healer ,not a healing sniper.

And you can always throw in an orb anyways.

wait ,lucio’s healing gets blocked by barriers ?

Lucio can heal through barriers? I could be wrong on that, I don’t play Lucio much and it’s hard to tell when someone is/isn’t being healed in the middle of a team fight with barriers in the way. Still, I thought it was only Ana and Zen who couldn’t heal past barriers, which would make them the special case instead of Moira.