Please dont 2-2-2

In wow i saw the que time argument with more reasons behind it.

You know in wow you need gear and kills to show off.
In ow its always only skill/coordination depending.

Which doesn’t give you a direct rewards for shorter ques.

Except you play more.

But as a Dps main I love role q.
having to insta lock dps to be allowed to play it isn’t healthy.
I rather fill a good dps pick based on the comp.

My fear currently in comp is that I que and get 4 dps asking me to tank. :sweat_smile:

While my skill on tank is terrible and utterly garbage. And i don’t want to play a bad tank in performance based sr…

I’m pretty sure I’m not playing with high plat tanks, probably a high plat projectile main who flexed onto his decent tank.

Bc either i have a wrong picture or they are like me, not really tank players.

Just pretend not to hear/see what’s being said. Don’t admit to having a mic until after roles are settled. Nothing a DPS main says during hero select is ever beneficial.

The only exception maybe is if you think you can slide into a competent support role instead of a bad tank role by speaking up if you’re resigned to switching.

Well, in any case, you only have to deal with this problem for a few more weeks.

Dude wth. You should be one who want this because they overpowered some heroes to be more effective against 3 3 comp. And really punished by this are people lowest who cant deal with reaper. This would never happen with forced 2 2 2 because in that case iis much more esy to balance heroes in that for devs.

I never talk.
I just feel bad to choose a 4. Dps even if its my only decent pick.
But with role q.
I can freely que for comp.

Lets say you will go searching game as dpd with checking option that you will be placed as supp or tank role if you dont find game in 3 minutes. If you play tank or support role, game will give you higher chance to play dps in next search. That could work pretty well. Dont you think?

If blizzard was listening to pros, the game would have been 2/2/2 1 year ago, and
Brigitte would never have been created.

It isn’t though, it just happened to be the first meta that emerged based on the initial balancing of the game.

Triple tank was annoying but only because I was a Genji main at the time. Goats is annoying because you can use 6 ults and nothing might die between sound barrier, trance, and all the tanks

It seems like alot of people want 2-2-2 because they think it will help them win games, and not for hero balance. Sure, you may have a 3% higher chance to win, but so does the enemy team. The enemy teams has always had poor picks too. I think everyone has unreal expectations that all their matches will be fantastical with filled amazing teamates because all the throwers and poor teamates will suddenly disappear.

Yeah they’d likely have to do something like that. I think that’s how it was when LoL introduced role queue, except you didn’t have a choice. Everyone took a “turn” as support but it wouldn’t force you into it twice in a row.

I dont want 2 2 2 to win more game. And if anyone is thinking it will help him like that , he is probably wrong. But we will most likely have games with better quality.

Could… could be abused too I guess where you just trash those stats because you don’t care about the role, but the MM would still place you correctly.

That is probably my only real concern because it isn’t enjoyable to have someone who isn’t invested in a positive outcome on your team.

In all honesty just let your performance speak for itself and have a few support friends on your list who want to team up with you when you login.

GOATS is ONE composition out of a boat load. That’s an exception to the rule. You can’t judge the exceptions off the rule. 99% of the games I play where my team is not going 2-2-2, isn’t GOATS.

Plat player so not high as well but cant happen fast enough!!
Im sick nd tired of babysitting ashe widow and hanzo players!.. i cant wait!! :slight_smile:

It’s your opinion. You’re not talking for low ranked players. You even say so yourself. I don’t see how this could be about favouring high ranked players. If it improves match quality, that will be for everyone, and if it does the opposite, that will still affect every rank as well. You don’t give a single reason why 2/2/2 is “terrible”, yet feel offended. Also, this is not about GOATS any more, it’s not even the Meta in high ranks any more. It’s been that way for a while.

lol what? Narrow minded much?

I say that as a DPS main. And what I mean by it is that the team will not react well to anything that you say as a DPS during hero select.

They do not want your input on who should play what role or what hero in a role, unless you’re volunteering to stop being a DPS. Trying to enter the discussion when you are playing DPS will only tilt your team and generate a lot of salty comments.

(Not that this will matter for long now that 2-2-2 is nearly here; the way teams treat their DPS players will probably be different in the role queue).

oh, okay. I completely misunderstood you then. Yeah, I sometimes ask if we can get anything, or if someone switches. People actually react well to it, though I often offer to switch as well. So I don’t know, I’m excited for Role Queue though, seems great so far.
Also, is one of these polls still open? Somehow they’ve completely slipped past me.

For example,

I thought most of the staple Overwatch channels had done a poll but I can’t find it in the community pages of the others. Maybe they used a strawpoll linked from a video description or something.

One of the better polls (imo) included ‘strongly favor / strongly disfavor / slightly favor / slightly disfavor / don’t care’. I can’t find that one any more, but it was interesting, The strong opinions were 3:1, the weak opinions were 3:1, and the don’t cares were nearly 20%. Unfortunately, I don’t remember where it was.

Sounds interesting, thank you regardless.