Please don’t nerf Widowmaker

My mistake, I should have clarified in greater detail.


By the sounds of it’s like Reaper or Symmetra reaching unintended locations.

TF2 is tied with 3 other classes for the second fastest movespeeds in the game, and he has multiple loadout items that give him some degree of protection in a pinch, whether it’s protection from backstabs, an automatic weapon that isn’t garbage, or Jarate.

TF2 Sniper has it way better than Widow does by sheer nature of the game having movement acceleration.

Exactly half of the cast has mobility options. Half.

The ones that don’t have movement options are the ones that aren’t meant to duel Widow.

But he still dies to most of the classes all the same. None of those tools are enough to save you if your enemy has already closed the distance.

Considering how well Widow has performed in GM and OWL in many metas, I beg to differ.

Well, that’s a big problem with Widow, now isn’t it? Half the roster doesn’t have the mobility to contest her, and out of all the characters that do have mobility, only a minority of them actually have a decent shot at beating a Widow who can aim.


Waaaahhhh how dare my cancer hero get even the slightest, tiniest slap on the wrist nerf noooooooo


Top 0.1% players just need to use their brains 4head


The items he gets literally protect him and buy enough time to switch to a secondary or shoot with a sniper.

He isnt expected to hold his ground on an enemy team advancing on him, but he can reasonably hold the line against one or two flankers, or escape.

Sniper isn’t facechecked by high health Pyros, nor does he have to face against Scouts with instant full speed strafe and crouch spam.

Widow’s usefulness only emerged after Mercy’s rework, and she wasn’t even a reliable pick until after Dive was nerfed. And the way the top .01% of players play her involves using a completely unreliable and unsafe method of movement – grappling floors – and hoping a pocket can heal you.

The remaining half has some degree of protection, or has projectiles with high damage capable of suppressing her.

The ones that struggle against Widow are other hitscan, Junkrat, and Reaper.

If you’re going to sit there and claim GM and OWL as supporting evidence, those same parties use Mercy and Zenyatta as Widow counters, regularly.

That’s absolutely false. Widow was the second highest DPS pick in OWL for a long stretch of dive meta.


Except in ladder play, Widow didn’t pick up usage until after both Winston and Dva received nerfs.

She would be fine without the absurd amount of healing keeping her alive.

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Just curious, what rank do you play at ?

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Bursty/instant healing and defensives to be exact, the same things that killed dive and its heroes.

Third* “fastest”, which is just the base movespeed with no bonus or penalty, and is also tied with the faster classes for the lowest base health in the game while Widowmaker gets as much health as other less mobile heroes. And Two of the three slower classes have explosive jumping to easily close the gap and get to high ground.

A soldier can easily just bomb the sniper, as sniper has no grapple hook to fly away.

No they don’t. All of his defensive items take up the secondary slot, which leaves you with just melee. And if the enemy is within melee range of you, you’re more than likely dead.


Exactly, flankers can’t kill anything unless they’re crazy good with that much sustain.

Try to kill a Widow that is getting healed by Moira as Sombra or Genji it’s not that easy.

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No which is why, when i reached the highest ranks i ever had at the top of dive/moth meta mercy, she was insanely hard to beginning to become easier, i was forced to play Tracer, to the point i now actually like her, cause i am good at her, but playing many of these heroes is just pointless cause flanking isn´t a viable strat in a team game, that has this much damage mitigation.

TF2 sniper is considered an off-class and is barely ever played in competitive.
Widowmaker was a dominant pick in pro play during a meta that supposedly counters her.


Overbuff says plat (lol)

She was never dominant in Dive, she only even rose in popularity to become a top tier pick after the Mercy rework, it was the top tier support pick, that synergizes well with boosting DPS, that even made Widowmaker a top tier pick in Moth meta dive.

I hate the people, who love spreading this borderline false and inaccurate statement.

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Hmm, it seemed he was private ever since its implementation, but those stats are 2 years ago, he might be way higher now, though highly unlikely, with the words he uses and the fact, that the higher you go in ranked, the more likely you are to despise and not use private it seems.

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I doesn’t matter if Widowmaker is balanced, overpowered or underpowered.
It doesn’t matter if she has a lot of weaknesses and counters or not.

All heroes can be nerfed if they are alebeld as “too oppressive”.
It happened with Dva and it especially happened with Sombra, and I don’t see why it can’t happen with Widowmaker.


So pretty much no one since the heroes that counter her are not even close to being viable.