Please Do Something About Smurfs!

Somethings needs to be done about smurfs. They are ruining competitive, especially when they solo queue and sabatoge a team that actually wants to win and more importantly have fun doing so…

Happens on both sides of the spectrum. You literally cant do anything about them. Even if blizzard went on a spree for banning them, some would still go undetected.

throwing games is a great reason to report someone (don’t matter if they are a smurf of not).
If they are playing to win (which is 99.99999% of the smurf complaint threads) then that is perfectly fine.

taking the above two points together breaks your premise that there is a smurf problem.
There is a problem of people throwing games (which is reportable) and there is people that are better than you beating you (which leads to ‘smurf issue’ threads on the forums for us all to laugh at)