Please do something about smurfing

Could we possibly do something about smurfs?

Now before you get the pitchforks, let me elaborate;

I have no issue with people creating smurfs to reach THEIR skill level.

I have a problem with people who are inherently good at the game, smurfing to play against people, like me, who aren’t amazing at the game. And to “roll” and “smoke” bad players.

I’m so tired of getting into a match, even in QUICK PLAY, where the enemy team has a level 1-25 Widowmaker that lands every single shot.

It’s just so awful. Why would I want to play a game that is so one sided? Even when we have the god tier DPS on our team, it’s not fun. I like games that are close, that are challenging.

But when my team or the enemy team is full held at their spawn? Come on.


Report those throwing games to play at lower ranks.
There you can take the ‘smurf’ issue into your own hands.
Someone currently at you rank playing better than you is just a better player, learn to play better as you watch them leave your rank.


Unfortunately this isn’t about someone just “being better” in my games.

I’ve seen people that are definitely good, but still have bad positioning, that still have bad aim, etc.

This is about people who abuse the system to play against players that aren’t as good as them.

Example; Master DPS in a game against silver -> gold

I get what you mean, I do try and “get good” but mechanically? I’ll never get better. I hit my rank, and I’m happy with it. I’m fine being bad, I still like to play the game without being GM.

I just wish I could enjoy my games with people who are my skill level. Because those games tend to be close. They’re a chaotic mess, but it’s an equal balance of bad, if that makes sense?

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Never happen, at most might have a platinum ranked player.
*current rank.

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Executive 1: "Hey, should we do something about this Smurfing thing? I’ve seen a lot of forum posts about it whenever I check the forums once a month.

Executive 2: “You mean that thing that makes us more money? Why would we stop that?”

Executive 1: “Because players find it annoying to be in games with people who clearly outrank and outskill where they are and have unfair advantages?”

Executive 2: takes a big rip of a cigar “If we cared about the players and the game, we’d have actually been nice to the tank players, and wouldn’t have forced the Overwatch League out the door to make money. Heck, we were working on the sequel less than a year into our live service game. Just ignore em and move on.”

I imagine it was something like that.


Yes, yes it does.

I don’t know how it is for PC, but on Console, it is definitely not uncommon to get matched against either unranked smurfs, or even just straight Masters players.

I’ve played multiple games where I’ve noticed that the skill levels are wonky as all hell.

Ok so at the start of the match the player is showing a high enough SR to be masters in Silver->gold matches ? Unranked =/= masters as they are not ranked at all and just doing placements.


I can vouch that this does not work in lower ranks. Not enough people give a **** in lower ranks for the ban algorithm to work.

Unfortunately there’s not really that much you can do about smurfing unless you can prove they’re throwing


It’s a combination of both. For unranked smurfs, I used Masters purely as an example. I don’t know truly WHAT elo they are, but they’re sure not the same as me.

But I’ve had games where, I’ve definitely seen players that are Diamond+ in my games.

At most, I’m a gold player. I know my positioning is bad, and I know my aim is atrocious. It’s what you get at a lower elo.

So naturally, when someone knows perfect spots, can jump shot and execute a perfect headshot numerous times, or can easily carry a team, it’s definitely telling that they are not the same ELO.

Hope this makes sense to you. Again, idk how it is on PC!

What saddens me is that it’s probably what happened…

Phone verification for comp. Don’t understand why the isn’t in the game already. As long as anyone has the ability to buy their way into lower ranks with no hurdles and ruin the game for others, the competitive ladder and integrity is a joke.

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Did you ever play D3?
If you have, I think smurfers do the same thing in Overwatch. They like to start their character from level 1 and work their way up to master, or Grandmaster.

When they achieve it, they like to do it again. It may be a satising feeling to start from level 1 and go up there again, but it’s an illusion. They really aren’t starting at level 1. They would have to erase all thier memory of skill and knowledge of the heroes they played to start at level 1.

That would imply the executives actually look at the forums, which I am sure they do not.

I understand your pain. I faced a lot of issues regarding smurfs in the lower ranks and quite frankly it’s annoying. What I can say is learn to live around it. Smurfs are going nowhere and if they company really wanted to take a strong stand on smurfing then they would have done it a long time back. Remember that in OW, there are some games you just cannot win no matter how hard you try. Treat the smurf games like that and move on to the next one.

Honestly do smurfs have to bring their toxic attitudes with them, it gets so tiresome

My favorite are the Widows that smurf because they regularly get rekt in their proper placements. Of course, joke’s on them. They’ll have to keep paying Blizzard lots and lots of money to keep making new acc–

That’s probably why Blizzard ain’t fixing it. :wink:

Objectively wrong. Tune into any of the daily Bronze to GM streams on Twitch if you want proof.

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Proof of what ? that people have to play up through the ranks after placements, When the person is ranked Masters there are 0 bronze players in their games.

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This isn’t a smurf account, this is an alt.