Please consider having an option to hide the border

I dont get this, why? There must be another reason and not just your border. Blaming border for losing is silly and doest make any sense. There must be more you are not telling us.

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If you know that your dps or healer or whatever has a 45% winrate as opposed to a 55% winrate, you are going to play very differently with them. With a 45% winrate player, lets say a Sym, you are going to try and give that Sym as much space as possible and play around them a lot more than you would a 55% winrate Sym. You could ask them to join comms so they can hear basic callouts and when to push or when not to. On the other hand, if your Sym has a 55% winrate, you can let them do whatever they want, they obviously know what they are doing. Replace “Sym” with basically any other hero and this works the same. If it is a healer with a low winrate, it is probably because they get flanked easily, so you know to peel more aggressively for them.

To put it simply, it provides you with better knowledge on whether to play around a teammate that, at no fault of their own, may not be the best at the game. With private profiles, I have absolutely no idea what the weak link is on our team if we are losing. Sure some games it’s me, but the games where I am clapping cheeks in the frontline or getting picks as dps and we are losing teamfights, it is helpful to know where we are likely failing as a team, and adjust to that weaker link to try and win the game.

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Funny how people forget about that magic button that is the mute button for individual players. It comes at virtually no disadvantage for you, as you can still make comms for your team and hear the rest of the teams’ comms.


Yo, this sounds exactly like Blizzard.

-Sir, we have problems. People don’t stop complaining about smurfs on their matches, and some high leve accounts are being criticised because they are not GM.
-Very well. Let’s kill two birds with one stone. We are going to remove the account level system.

People don’t want to use the tools that they have. They want a safe space on a competitive online game, so they whine and whine until Blizzard does a Blizzard move.

I remember muting all comms because I was tired of the people, but not of the game. It’s a magical thing, that button.


Until it’s the entire team flaming the gold bordered player for being in Silver, at that point leaving voice is the best option.

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I’ve seen it in GM dude. Gold border and never hit 4.3? Why do you even play the game?

It doesn’t go away.
Superiority complexes and the fact that people treat losing like its life or death. If something is easily viable and can be used in a negative context, it will be used in a negative context.
I don’t like that this is how it is but its just a sad truth.