Please complete the series of swimwear heroes

What if she had soap bubble wings (instead of the yellow light)? This would not be a lifeguard skin, but something else…

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The wings have to look the same, as in same style

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You don’t like Swedish maids? They’re way cleaner than Swedish mechanics. Just sayin’.

He’s got Grillmaster76 to feed the beach party by serving refreshing alcoholic beverages and raising the steaks.

Ganymede is the big bird on campus.

They are indeed.

Some would be harder than others. Reinhardt, even with your example, would look really weird. People often forget that the hands of Rein’s armor are MUCH larger than they are out of the armor. Unless you want Rein to have yaoi hands.

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That’s been done already. The Dr. Ziegler skin is a skin of Mercy as a doctor at her office, except for the boots. They just put the wings on her and gave her the staff. It’s like a normal person in normal clothes having the Valkyrie wings.

If you look at the Pink skin, the wings look like they’re attached to the skin on Mercy’s back.

So the wings wouldn’t be a problem, this has happened already.

Baguette the Doll Roll on the beach. The beautiful tomboy sure has a lot of fans. xD

Heroes never sneeze?

Well, these are literally some of the best artists on the planet, which is why the professional artist community loves Overwatch so much. They’d have no trouble coming up with something, like with Brig’s GOAT.

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YES!! Every character in OW should have at least one swimwear skin!

And yes, we all want to see more bikini’s and speedos, because human (and omnic) bodies are beautiful. Each in their one unique way.


Lol. They may be cleaner, but I just never cared for the whole maid aesthetic. Also, Brigitte is so thicc and badass that like, making her a maid would just be like…no. (Although the thought of turning her mace into a feather duster is kind of hilarious).


I want a baker costume for Brig: White shirt, white pants, white apron, and the chef hat; with a rolling pin.

Her nickname is Baguette, so it would be appropriate. xD

I am in full agreement with this wise assessment. O_O


I would like Baker Brigitte very much.

Personally, I’ve been dying for a “Beegitte” skin, where everything is bee-themed. Springy bee antennae headband, her mace is a wooden honey stir stick, her shield is a honeycomb, and she says stuff like “buzz off” when she hits someone with whipshot.


Brig is a baker, cause she be baking bread. O_O

D.Va already has a B.Va skin, and Mei has a beekeeper skin. O_O

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Gym rat beach goer Pharah pls

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pool noodle rien anybody?

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She benches 500 nuclear warheads at the same time.

Mercy needs the pool noodle to lifeguard people with.

All heroes should have all matching themes :smiley: Pirates, Beach, Professions, Space, Space pirates, :smiley: Okay that last one was a joke - or was it :smirk: Not to forget knights and Gods
I might want to make my own post about this subject at some point :grin:

Well, the swimwear thing might make sense because so many of the heroes have it already.

Another one is holiday stuff, a bunch of the heroes have that: Rudolph Hog, Santa Torb, Elf Tracer, Snow Angel Mercy, etc.

Insane people?!

You mean people with taste. :smirk: :laughing:


Your post reminds me of that woman that wanted to marry Charles Manson, but then he called it off because he found out that she just wanted possession of his dead corpse.

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HOW do I respond to that?! :rofl:


It’s Junkrat humor, my friend. The only thing that can make Hog laugh, other than the tears of his many enemies. :smiley:

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You say that as if every character shouldn’t have a bee-themed skin.

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