Please complete the series of swimwear heroes

I need Bastion in a bikini and inflatable duck ring.


Bastion as a sandcastle.


What about Ganymede? His fangulls will go crazy if they see him in swimwear.

That would make an interesting sentry.

You’d need a little flag on top of him.


Just what we need to complete the skin.

It sounds perfect… I want it as almost as much as Lifeguard Mercy and Discoball Hammond

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Lifeguard Mercy would make a lot of sense, but what does a lifeguard have for a staff? The swimming aid lifeguards use looks nothing like that.

You’d need dance music sound bits. xD

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No clue, tbh.

When he activates his mines (aka little discoballs), they play music? Idk

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Shiny lighty disco ball with a clubber-dressed hamster. xD

They’ll figure it out.

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Simple look at Mercy’s Zhuque Skin from Chinese New year, they are just “attached” to her back, not part of the outfit she’s wearing, since it’s a backless number.


Same with Dr. Ziegler skin, who literally just looks like a doctor in her office except for the boots.

So yup. :smiley:


I’m down. We need Overwatch heroes… wearing very little clothes swimwear. That’s the concept. I don’t care how it gets done, but it must be done.

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Well, the Sombra one is not too O_O .

Still looks super cute.



Give me shirtless Reinhardt or give me death.


I see what you did there. >:-o

Socrates, when are you going to finally have a fist fight with Confucious? Put your mouth where your philosophy is!

We’ve scheduled it after tea time and I’ve got a nice pot of hemlock tea waiting for me


I mean yeah you have three types of swimsuit skin:

Torb skin where he is basically the devs having fun with the playerbase

Sombra/Mcree skin where you have them wearing something realistic

Widow skin… need I say more.

Any and all are fine by me. I prefer we don’t go down the sports road again because that was bad.


While we’re on this topic, what do you think of Starbucks’ hemlock?

Is it worth it, or totally overpriced?

It sounds like the giant German is a popular request. xD

Maybe he can fight with a table leg with a huge rusty nail through it.

Skins seem to appeal to different people.

For example, some people hate the Jazzy skin for Lucio, but it’s my favorite for him.

All starbucks products are over-hyped

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Honestly, it might be that way this year because of the 2020 Olympics. The sports skins are meh at best, they’re just there but no one really cares for them, unlike the beachwear skins.

He needs a giant, inflatable hammer so he and Torbjorn can match. Bonus points if he gets a similar outfit. :eyes:


Seriously, why can’t we have good old-fashioned hemlock without the gimmicks? >:-o

I can’t imagine Rein with anything small.

Yeah, that’s true, there’s summer Olympics this year.

I am guessing we WILL have sports skins then on the Summer Games.

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