Please clean up Numbani

It’s been over two years since Doomfist destroyed the airport, and there are still robot corpses everywhere, what even are the cleaning ladies paid for smh


Not to mention the Havana map is there now so the mechanics must have completely avoided the chaos xD

Speaking of Havana…storm rising was what? 5-6 years ago…what’s maximillian’s car still doing at spawn?

Forget numbani…clean up Havana!


In the future everyone seems to be lazy xD

The cleaning robots are all dead

Hello! Robots are too busy making one of every kind of pizza. Hello!

I think they said something about them cleaning up the airport for the next update, but I am not sure

If you cant kill me, you are simply too slow!


There’s some ambiguity there, we don’t really know if “service to Numbani has also been restored” refers to the spawn being cleaned up or to the map being back in comp.

Not only that, but it’s been three weeks since this was posted, so if they indeed plan on making changes to the airport, they should at least have been put on the PTR… But nothing yet.