Please Buff Roadhog

And yet its on a 8 something cooldown and is only used as an escape tool.

In the grand scheme of things, its a glorified stall tool and D.VA bomb repllent and nothing more.

It goes against his core design. Its why hes so terrible right now because he really shouldn’t be a defensive tank. He needs damage.

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Hook is not part of his problem. Hog will forever be a throw pick until he gets a damage buff to be able to actually consistently one-shot at least some heroes. He’s a joke.

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Roadhog should be able to heal by shoving a “take a breather” up his teammates butt.

I feel like if they buff Orisa, Roadhog would be good too.

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Have anyone tried the recently buffed wholehog?

Its a huge buff for his ultimate. Now that is DISRUPTION

The boop change makes his ult insane.

Are you kidding? Have you been on the receiving end of Roadhog? He still has the one shot hook, crazy powerful Ultimate, and his healthpool is big enough without his heal. He can survive a Dva Nuke. If anything, he needs a nerf, His heal being on too short a cooldown and for too much of a heal.

He can reliably one shot reaper and most
Other dps

It does a lot if you know when to use it.

And if your team is willing to take advantage of it

The problem with not giving him defense is that as a pure offensive tank he lacks synergy with the entire roster. Main tanks want someone one who can back them up defensively and Hog simply can’t do that. Healers want someone to keep them alive which for hog pretty much means hook the guy on the healer or bust. So again he is lacking for synergy with the healers. You can make the argument certain dps (Mei for one ) do that job better than hog does. And he synergy with dps is about the same with dps as it is with healers. Even if he was the only tank in the game he would struggle to find a place in the game where he is akward in the damage category and not quiet defensive enough to protect his teammates on a consistent basis.

Take a Breather should be redesigned to Antinade from Ana, would Fit on the Character way more

I wish people would stop asking to buff Hog because you don’t realize that buffing Hog will always mean turning him into a better Reaper.

Fix the issues with Hook breaking that have existed since launch and have done nothing but worsen.

Unless he is reworked, he should have basically 0 value outside of Hook and struggle to kill anything without it.

Hog is problematic because outside of a team setting, he is very good. The value of hook for what it is is never appreciated, people instead want him to be the mindless killing machine with little limitation that he used to be, and he should never go back to being that way. Buffing him can easily cause that.

He’s niche. He isn’t supposed to be a great pick for most situations.

his ultimate shreds barriers, it’s one of the highest dps in the game, I play a lot of roadhog and if u use his ult right it’s really really good.

he is a tank after all, and his main strength is one shots, not really his overall damage.

Though overall I think he needs a buff, maybe not too much on his dps, I’d like to see like a 10% dmg increase and a tanky ability.

I do a really good job on hog, however I will always choose hamster over him because hamster can seriously dominate entire teams until they get a sombra and/or mei. When that happens I go hog, but I do think he could use a good power boost.

Das where you’re wrong kiddo.
I keep flanking with him and it works great for me.

Doesn’t work against good teams*, then.

Heroes dont always need to have synergy to work with team.

Hog, by design, is selfish. He heals only himself, he kills (used to) only himself.

It doesn’t hurt to have a little variety from the usual batch of cookies. Sadly, they kinda deformed his cookie by trying to make it something he isn’t

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I think the forums exaggerate on how bad is roadhog. He’s good in some situations not all but some. If the enemy team is not running cc, roadhog can just walk around willy nilly and hook and kill anyone as he pleases.

The problem is to beat out synergy in order to get in you have to be way more powerful than the synergy you are giving up otherwise there is no point in giving up the synergy. Sadly that means the non-synergy designs have to be powercrept to levels that aren’t healthup to keep up and leads to other problems.

Like for instance Roadhog is probably better with an off tank to pick up his slack on the defense side but people lose their minds when triple tank is popular. The reason I say he is better in triple tank is I think there are very good reasons 1 tank comps aren’t viable (It becoming the normal comp would be terrible) and Hog + tank is essentially playing a 1 tank variant comp because he doesn’t have enough defensive value.

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