Please blizz rework bastion

plz blizzard rework bastion, he is the last in every laddaer, don’t take matter who scream nerf, buff it or rework it, is a stronger and a cute hero, plz blizzard plz :cry:
is my favourite character
increase his defense it is what he needs in this moment or maybe no,
but please rework it, please
make bastion great again



Hello Friend, I am a Bastion main.

We are attempting to be heard… Come, join us.

This is currently the biggest thread, about Bastion:
[Bastion is being forgotten]

I think most of us REALLY Want Bastion to be buffed or straight up reworked…
Or Reverted…

Don’t be afraid to post in that thread, Friend!
We don’t bite… Often…

~ChibiFox :fox_face:

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