Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

What world are you still living in, Klix. She got moved to damage class at same time as she got her 3.0 version in.

Not going to even bother reading the rest of your posts if you can’t even be bothered to do even a casual research before posting. It’s okay to be ignorant of new changes, but Sym got reclassed before Brig even became a thing.

You have no excuse for this grievous error. Even if you left the game for a while and missed that change, all it would take to see that is just play a single game of OW and choose a hero to see where she’s located, or at the least notice that the support section is still small despite Brig’s entry.

are you serious? it’s the most consistent qol fix that reaper and sym mains have been trying to convince the devs to implement: for tp and shadowstep to ignore railings lol. “it’s not supposed to” how do you know? are you a dev?

you know we can still put tp there right? except that we have to be super precise so that it goes on top of the railings, which would take longer time than it would if tp just ignores railings? it’s not like they have any use anyway maybe you’re the one who doesn’t know the “mechanical aspects” of the game​:thinking::thinking::thinking:


buffs can be insufficient/unnecessary. just because a character is buffed twice, doesn’t mean they’re now 100% balanced lol


Embarrassing very embarrassing


not our fault you’re not as vocal as we are sweaty

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nobody’s asking for your sympathy anyway so


I am not a Symm main but this stuff is infuriating. If you DO put it on a railing that is over any abyss there is a 50% chance one of your team who takes it will either step the wrong way or get “nudged” the wrong way by another tp-taking-teammate. Yay.

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What maps is Sombra bad on?

well, i’m just happy she’s getting a wee charge buff but teleporter interact radius and deployment speed are the priority.

I mean a golden gun victory pose or highlight intro would be cute af this Archives.