Please address smurfing

Evidently “the people who have the power to change it” aren’t the ones playing this game trying to have a good time

There not going to unless they are force to.

also the best solution is go play a different game and come back in 6 months.

Actually the best solution is to git gud and beat the smurf. :wink:

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i played a 3 stack yesterday who had open profiles, 17 games and 16 wins

next i play 3 times in a row against a duo who had one lvl 27 diamond and other high lvl guy who had multiple career highs of 4200

my team couldnt even touch them

i basically lost 4 games for nothing

impact of smurfs are overly exaggerated. in fact actual smurfs who have purposely tanked their account to play at a much lower ELO are super rare, if non-existent.

I can say as someone who owns 8 accounts ranging from Master to Bronze you people need to realise that Blizzard will never stop smurfing because they make loads of money from idiots like myself buying a new account every free weekend. If smurfs are toxic than sorry about that but sometimes you are gonna get crap games with or against smurfs. I can also tell you that I still get GM smurfs in my Master games and trust me you need to accept it and get over it.

Last time I played ov few days ago it was against a streamer smurf everyone knows based on chat and just closed the game after loss. Today again some one with new account literally has smurf in their name that is destroying my team as doomfist. Next game again with 3stack with only new accounts destroying my team.

That’s just not true. At Bronze there’s a smurf, who throws to get to/stay in Bronze in just about 20% of the games. I see them regularly in organized hard-throwing groups that couldn’t be mistaken for anything else, and then I later see them playing well.

I’m not blaming them for my rank as such, but that’s 1 in 5 games that are essentially out of my control, and are essentially turned into a coinflip depending on whether the smurf is carrying or throwing. It won’t change SR trajectory in the long run, but it clearly means playing at least 20% more games to get there. They’re not keeping anyone in a certain rank, but they are slowing the climb and creating frustrating games.

For you at Diamond you have a different kind of smurf, one that’s not a thrower and is just a practice alt. (Yeah, I know, SVB wants to redefine smurf to not include smurfs that don’t throw. And it is an important distinction, in that they aren’t actually breaking the rules, but lower ranked alts have been called smurfs for a long time, whether they throw or not.)

There simply isn’t very much of the playerbase above you who could throw down to your rank anyway, and if they were going to throw down rank, well, Diamond would be a weird place to stop and if they were going lower they’d just do it on an alt to make the drop shorter. (It’s just an idea of mine, but I also think the competitive mindset to reach Master+ is not likely to belong to people that also throw down to Bronze. I expect most smurfs in Bronze come from Gold or Plat.)

So I’m sure that you don’t see people throwing games at your rank (well, not for purposes of maintaining a low rank anyway, toxic players are universal), but that doesn’t mean that those players don’t exist.


Just shoot them 4head

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