Please add the Palestinian flag as a Player Icon option

Some flags were removed from game, there was moment i saw my country flag as droping from lootbox on video but it was never added to the game sadly.

This would have probably been the best move if there was any sign of a backbone of non-inclusion to different people around the world in the first place…especially since this game is quite popular over there and is commonly played in PC Cafes.

Not even legally can do

In practice for many western nations, Palestine does not exist, Blizzard cannot implicitly take a political or even a legal position.

Might make the game illegal in Israel, and between Palestine and Israel, Israel is the bigger market so it’s purely a $ thing. Also, some countries do not recognize Palestine so it’s basically a done deal especially since one of those countries is USA which is their main market. They should’ve kept flags out of the game, because right now it’s a horrible double standard to have.

Keyword there was “might”.