Please add 2-2-2 role queue

What argument though lol. All i see is He/she doesn’t want 222 enforced and refuses to acknowledge all the benefits whilst HEAVILY pushing this 'dps will throw on support and would be within their right to do so". Everytime a counter-argument is made it either gets ignored or considered a ‘personal attack’.

Hardly any1 wants to actually openly discuss the positives and negatives. Clearly the positives are THERE since its close to actually being enforced and im sure blizzard are currently trying to work around the negatives to make it good for every1.

Im personally hoping for 2-3 new tanks released faster than the usual timeline, few tank buffs and added incentives to play other roles to try and even out the que times a lil bit

2-2-2 would be the death of flexing and as such the death of the philosophy the game was designed on. All to capitulate to people who are in fact the problem.

Making my role extinct despite my being part of the solution is not fair nor reasonable.


I think that, for the conversation to move forward to a discussion of how the game will change, it will need Blizzard to officially confirm that it is happening. Until then, whether it should be done or not will draw the majority of attention.

clarification: I have made no such statement

A philosophy the majority of players, and virtually every pro team rejected years ago… because it’s a bad design.

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I know of no valid data to back the claim of a majority here

Ignore megadodo he doesn’t know what he talks about. I ran into him into a prior thread. it’s a wall, a very thiccc wall.

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Nope, because they are selfish and sadly the competitive ranking system accidentally encouraged this behavior.

Once again. Punishing me for following the design philosophy of the game is wrong.

Ignore Torbjrn. They want to discourage discussion with people of opposing opinions.


so instead of ignoring me, you reply to say you’re ignoring me? lol

So instead of ignoring Megadodo you make an attempt to derail any conversation with them? Lol.

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It literally IS :joy::joy::joy:

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yup :). not really but he is inccorect in his opinion when he is basically saying the following.

gameplay sabotage is definitely reportable <-- I agree here?

the activity described is not gameplay sabotage, as e x p l i c i t l y defined in Blizzards written rules


Picking a healer and not healing is straight up gameplay sabotage. Gameplay sabotage is reportable.

I haven’t agreed with one thing he’s said. Sorry personal experience with him?

Not to mention dodo clearly doesnt come into these threads for debates or open minded discussions

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I have asked in other threads and I will ask here as well - please cease with personal attacks

Dodo is surely trolling us all with replies like these lol

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well, I asked. ah well.

he said I was attacking him too. He’s one of those people who cry wolf constantly and need their hand held by an adult or they don’t feel safe.

Like when they took my teams “freedom” of choosing 6 Tracers on 1 team?
The game is better since that change.

“Muh freedom” sad story replies are nonsense.
Comp shouldn’t be a circus. Some order needs to be implemented.
Go play Arcade or quick play if you want totally zany meme comps.

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preach my man preach… but they will always disagree no matter what.

Definitely sat there flagging everything too
