Pleading with the Devs-- I'm done with Mercy

I’m officially done trying so hard with Mercy. I’m done hoping the devs will do anything to fix her too. Every time good, constructive criticism comes up on the forums we get hit with the “we think Mercy is fine” reply when obviously, her actual playerbase does not.
“We consider the Mercy rework a success” But 14 nerfs later and all of the reasons for her rework being rendered null and void, she’s a success? Mercy’s rework was supposed to make her involved, give her more options and playstyles, and get rid of “hide and rez”
Literally the only way to get rez off is to hide now, her ultimate is one of the worst and by far the worst support ultimate, and her playstyle is so uninvolved and slow.
I have so much I want to say on Mercy, so much I could debate and point out but I’m done wasting my time trying to give criticism if the community is just going to be ignored. I’m done trying so hard with a character if Blizz won’t do anything to help her. My patience for this game is growing thin, and the way the devs handle criticism and suggestions (i.e. ignoring them or insisting there are no problems at all) is just driving me crazy.
I’m done trying. At this point I just wanna link Blizz a playlist of Aria Rose’s youtube videos every time they insist Mercy is fine and go “really? You sure about that?” Peace Mercy community, this is one Mercy main signing off.


bye, sounds like you need a break go do something else



the only reply i need from this; everyone else go home


Welcome to maining Junkrat for the past 5 months. Chill, the devs will probably get to Mercy before heroes that are in desperate need of changes.


My thing is kinda like… I want all the heroes who need attention to get it. Like I’m happy Symm and Torb got some attention (tho I think Symm is…not so great) I would just like for them to acknowledge heroes who need it more often and at least say “we will get to that” instead of ignoring and insisting things are a-ok


The best you can do is take a break and play other games if you don’t like the current state of OW. I main Mercy and i honestly stopped playing her entirely outside of Pharmercy after the last nerf (even them it feels more like a shore).


Do you know what I did when Ana was in a bad spot and mercy was a must pick with 16.0% pickrate? I practiced ana and I didn’t give up. I tried so hard.

Also that seems quite pretentious. You are asserting that mercy is more important than characters that have been troll/throw picks for over a year. Bastion’s sitting in a crap spot. Reaper’s sitting in a bad spot (though I don’t think it’s quite as bad as people say).


This is honestly the best thing you can do at this point. There’s no point in continuing to play if it’s making you upset.
If you’re frustrated, the worst thing you can possibly do is keep going, because it will eventually make frustration and anger your default emotion. Eventually, nothing will make you happy even if you get what you want, so please do take care of yourself and step away from the game for a while.

Play some Medic in TF2 if you still want the Mercy experience. Her core mechanics are based on him, after all.


I didn’t mean for that comment to come across like I don’t care about the other heroes who need it. I’m not saying Mercy is more important-- genuinely sorry it came across that way.
I want all heroes who need it to get acknowledged and on the road to getting help!


okay great. then I think we’re on the same page ideologically.

But saying you’re giving up, done wasting time, etc. isn’t helping the cause.

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Statistically, Junkrat is fine. He isn’t in the bottom five Damage heroes (for either pickrate or winrate) in any tier. I wouldn’t call that “in desperate need of changes”

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She might as well just be selling seashells by the seashore.

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I don’t think statistics should be the end all be all of a discussion when it comes to a heroes state.
Statistics have been used to shut down Mercy arguments as well, but it isn’t JUST about that when it comes to how fun a character feels, how involved, or how they match up against others in play.

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I didn’t mean Junkrat in particular but if you want to talk about how messed up he is: he’s still as strong as he was in season 8 in bronze and silver, people catch on to his tricks in gold, and as soon as they do he becomes as bad as Reaper from all the ranks onwards because skill doesn’t matter on Junkrat, just how bad your opponents are. I wish I was exaggerating.

She’s harming the environment.


You’re not wrong about the Reaper comparison. He’s slightly better than Junkrat in most tiers, while still being slightly below average

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