Playing Rein as a DPS?

So I have always been wondering about a tank’s abilities to get kills versus a damage character’s capabilities. In Role Queue competitive, it’d be ludicrous to ever consider having a Reinhardt dedicate himself to killing enemies and only shielding for himself. But what about playing 2-2-2 in open queue, but having Reinhardt act as the second damage character?

I’d imagine a DPS Reinhardt would initiate himself with a charge (preferably a flanking charge), to try and take out a ‘squishy’ enemy. This would be followed up with a firestrike, hammer swings, and self shielding to mitigate the inevitable barrage of bullets shot his way. Of course, you’d still have two tanks and two healers performing their traditional duties while Reinhardt charges like a maniac, so it’s not like the team is sacrificing a main tank when Rein is off chasing kills.

How does this playstyle compare to a damage character’s? Could it get better results than a typical DPS, or would it only create more problems than solve?

Please let me know what your thoughts are and the scenarios you imagine with such a setup.

Thanks! :blush:


Damage hero has more mobility and is more self sufficient.

If the Rein gets heals he’s a power house. But if your supports are god awful you’ll need to swap off.


Pocketed anything is oppressive AF. Think about a Winston with a Mercy following him around damage boosting + Ana heals/nano from afar. Add a Zarya bubble, a Hammond to share half the CC, defense matrix to eat a lot of the incoming damage, and DPS that follows up on your targets and you’ll clean up.

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Depends on the sr of the game. 75% of the time in bronze you don’t get any of that and you’ll do more with Zarya.

Seen dozens of games hard carried by Zarya players.

Rein is the best hero in the game in terms of versatility

Depends on both comps, its easy to get gold damage medals on all main tanks. The problem is that Rein is a melee hero so any cc shuts him down. It would require a lot of teamwork to pull of but it is doable. PvPX had this comp he used to play it was Rein, Orisa, DVA, Bap and another healer/dps. Basically he would charge in and effectively feed but the immortality would save him and he had his shield, and orisa shield and matrix to protect immortality so he wouldn’t die. It worked really well which was the funny part (mind you it was pre 2-2-2 and orisa/ bap nerfs.

Rein is like the Queen piece in chess. You use him to take space and position properly to block off enemy angles of approach, or to move them into a favorable position. Yes, he can do damage, but he’s essentially there to take space.

Playing Rein as a dps is the most valid way to play him. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is literally why GOATS worked so effectively. Rein would have essentially 5 babysitters and he’d just walk at the enemy intimidatingly. If you tried to stop him and his team, youd get shredded instantly. For example look at the Vancouver titans during th GOATS meta, bumper would just go in and smack people and do dumb things super aggressively but his team would have his back and he wouldn’t die.

Outside of GOATS however, no, rein would die instantly from cc and focus fire if charges in like that, even with a zarya bubble and a healer. Unless you’re playing against people who are really bad.


There’s a bit of a difference honestly. Aggro Rein is still the best Rein. But stupidly aggro Rein is just suicidal.


This. I mained Rein from Season 2 until I quit the game (hoping for them to dial back the powercreep in healing/damage, so I check the changelogs every so often).

The point of Rein isn’t to have the enemy team shoot your shield. The point of Rein is to ensure they aren’t shooting your team.

Blocking damage with your shield does this, if you have to. But so does applying pressure on the front line and forcing them to shoot at you. You don’t want the enemy team shooting your shield. You just just want them shooting your team even less, if that makes sense.

Playing Rein is a balance between defensive and offensive play. But the main goal is to get in the enemy team’s way however possible.


As a chess and rein player, probably don’t use this analogy in future


Your Overwatch posted a video about OWL doing a flanking Rein which is similar to what you’re suggesting: FLANKING REINHARDT ACTUAL PRO STRATEGY - YouTube

In normal 2/2/2 It’s possible in my opinion if the other Tank is also a Barrier. Rein becomes the point man to an ‘attack squad’ who is there to attack and take names.

In Open Queue, I would say having 3 Tanks is pretty powerful and stopped only by enemy going lots of DPS or using a mirror. The 2/2/2 changes to Tanks mean they now have more offensive power.

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Sounds suspiciously like Dive :smile:

Edit: Minus the impossible combinations.

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