Playing ow feels great

Yes because dive was op compared to anti dive strategies. But since then most dive heroes got nerfed. Tracer ult nerf. Mercy got several nerfs. Zen got alt fire nerf. Genji got deflect nerf. got several nerfs as well. So dive today is way weaker specially with an op character like brigitte.

Yes tracer has the easiest time vs brigitte compared to other dive heroes.

But idk why you bring up tracer though. Is it because of profile picture ? I never played tracer though. I main genji , df and mccree.

Genji’s Deflect change was a fix not a nerf.

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Any change that makes a character weaker is a nerf.

It was not really a nerf. Just something to prevent people from quiting playing tanks.

Because they made her overpowered with 2.0

As a Zen player I never really noticed. It was that minor.

It was a fix. Not a nerf.

She’s still in a good spot. Try telling that to Bastion.

If people still complain about Brigitte after her latest nerf, you might want to rethink your strategy.

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his deflect hitbox was the size of the moon

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Oh the bs it could do…

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Most ppl who complains about Brigitte are usually tracer or genji mains and it is understandable since she is supposed to hard counter them.

It applies for genji as well. Doomfist is basically a Brigitte counter. With mccree you don’t have to stay close to her at all.

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With all do respect i don’t get advice from a bronze player thanks. I’m sure i’m capable enough to understand df counters brigitte and thats one of the reasons i main df.

That doesn’t change the fact that brigitte is op.

I play neither Tracer nor Genji but I still despise Brig lol

Mein here and I can attest to this.

Out of all the tanks,’s the easiest because I can easily stop her dive because shes an easy target so it leads to her either dying fast or her retreating and protecting my team in the process, which usually makes them switch.

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That makes sense because maybe except for 5 characters brigitte counters the rest of the heroes in this game.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I remember watching DF’S Origin video and getting so mad at that part.

Df is prpbably the strongest character in ow lorewise.

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It’s usually her over commitment to a losing fight that dooms her.

Which is why most of them usually runs away and stay clear of me. So when I go Mei, I devour her soul like the satan I am and she has to run away or else.

Why are you bringing up rank in a discussion that is purely about game mechanics and has nothing to do with skill? Brigitte’s counters are the same no matter what rank you are in.

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Rank is really important in viability of characters. Reaper for example is op in bronze and useless in masters. players in masters for example would never have a problem with mei.

Yeah. I too am guilt of doing that… :smiling_imp:

Nothing like demeching her, charging a rocket punch then slamming her into wall as Doomfist.

The only time OW feels great when there isn’t a Genji, Tracer, Winston, D.Va and Hanzo in the enemy team. Which they often times are.