Playing OW as a Girl is Playing the game on "Hard Mode"

Lol didn’t he recently get a buff?

I had a harder time doing collections (pay your car bills or I was one of the people who would track down your car and pick it up) due to my voice then I do playing online games.

A armor nerf too. Also, the buff is not really a buff because he still in the trash bin.

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OP, are you a woman?

In fact, is anyone disputing what the OP says, a woman?

I’d like to hear a woman’s perspective on the conversation, seeing as, you know, that’s what this topic is talking about.

So many men think they can speak for a woman, and most of the time, they haven’t a clue.

I’m a man btw, but that doesn’t change my point.

On a side note, if someone is sexist at you, just mute them immediately (and report them later). There’s absolutely no point in talking to them; it just gives them what they want, attention. Muting them gets them out of the way and then, whatever else they say, you won’t hear it! Comms aren’t that essential in most competitive anyway and avoiding having some moron tilt you is probably more important than hoping said moron make some useful callouts.

You can just mute the offender and still get useful communication with the rest of the team.


No, the actual reason is that men are much stronger physically. It has notjing to do with emotional toughness.


Cut to the threads about men quitting overwatch because of Soldier’s sexuality


As an old woman in her nineties I couldn’t agree more. I swear when I bought the game they saw my womanly name “Gertrude” and inputted “it’s a woman” into the system! The enemy team does way more damage to me because the system makes sure women take more damage! I was even playing one day and instead of the usual “defeat screen” upon where my teammates (usually young whippersnapper unappreciative of my experienced strategies would tell me horrid insults like “get gud granny”
The very defeat screen morphed into the words “GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN WHERE YOU BELONG”I couldn’t believe my eyes! That the very system is biased against women! It is truly hard mode.


I must admit that I can not play overwatch when I have my period.


Not every one has the same experience.
Mine has been pretty good, aside from some awkward and slightly creepy moments.

But I can’t say she’s wrong. I’m just one person, and my experience will differ from everyone else’s.


Stop playing the victim here, everyone gets harrased on the internet toxic people will be toxic.


Hey, has anyone ever told you that you’re absolutely terrible before?


I’ve probably heard 100 or so girls on comms. I’d think something like that. Maybe once every 5-6 games.

I’ve heard sexist comments in random games maybe 3-4 times total. Only one time was it prolonged and like two different people told him to shut it. I’ve never heard anyone asked to play Mercy or Dva or whatever it’s supposed to be.

I’ve heard sexist banter if you can call it that from people in groups a few times that I didn’t include in that 3-4 times total. This seems more common but I don’t include it because it’s obvious that they know each other irl or play together often and usually the girl is firing right back.

That’s not to say it doesn’t happen. Like I said I’m only hearing a girl on comms 1 in like 6 games. And even only hearing 100 or something I’ve heard people be toxic about it like 3-4 times which would mean girls could expect it like maybe 1 in 20 games. That sucks to deal with. But I think it’d be way easier to tell how often it happens by watching a relatively unknown female streamer who uses comms a lot and just count how often it happens.

That said I win over half my games and probably get called garbage dps by people I’d say 1 in 3 games. Even if I’m on fire for a good chunk of the games non toxic making call outs etc. I manage to shrug it off


Closed minded, eh. Well I won’t waste my time.


I am not a girl but I play bastion, so i can prove that i get harrass in game for being a bastion main everytime ! I can’t imagine a woman who is a bastion main omg.

ive never seen more truth in all my time on the forums. Bravo


Women don’t get harassed more than men. They just get harassed for different things.

Prove me wrong


You’ve been proven wrong. Next!

tried that link and it took me to some weird place showing me how to google something


Ultimately I am looking for a research post that show women face more harassment in video games than men which I cannot find a good source of such claim

Harassment falls under a broad spectrum. I have heard women claiming harassment over a guy saying hello to them. You posted this in a video game forum claiming its hard for women to play the game

Show actual statistics that back up the claim that its hard for women to play video games due to harassment