Playing Apex has made me realise. .

How amazing the Ping system is. I really hope this is something they’re adding into OW 2, because having a Ping system would allow for so much easier communication. Not everyone in Ladder knows the names of specific locations, so having a ping system to say “Yo, I’m diving HERE PRECISELY,” would work wonders for Teamwork below Masters.


I’d like it but not sure how’d it work since overwatch doesn’t have a map, and can’t you already see an image of the person that died in their death location?

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Plus being able to tell other players “hey there’s a healthpack/soldier heal/etc here” would be nice. AND it’d give players who can’t afford new mics or can’t talk for whatever reason better chances to communicate more precisely than the “I’m going in” option.


They’ll have to really slow down Overwatch’s gameplay for that to work. Direct ping plays tend to take some sorta planning prior to the “jump” as such, especially in this game.

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No, it wouldn’t … most players have tunnel vision or just give a ****


Being able to ping the last location of a sniper would be cool, too.

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So glad I moved to Apex. The dev team is great and it’s a pretty consistently balanced game for most players. It’s also just really smartly designed overall.


i have social anxiety, a ping system is a god send :stuck_out_tongue:


Jeff K. said they tried it, it just doesn’t do anything in OW because the maps are so small and you are expected to be on vc anyhow.


TS didn’t realise the difference between tac shooter and arcade FPS/moba.

Playing apex made me realise how charismatic the OW heroes are. In apex they’re all cheesy and embarrassing, like they’re trying too hard to be cool. I stopped playing because they’re so irritating.

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M O Z A M B I Q U E. H E R E


I believe Jeff Kaplan responded to this topic a while back, saying that OW is more of a strait forward objective format and they were worried a ping system would add more visual clutter than do good.

I kinda get it, I mean we already have pointless call outs like “Attack the objective” – it’s like “oh really, is that would I should be doing?!”


Ping system with 6 players is insane. You would have to mute literally half the team anyway. Imagine when someone dies and start spamming the ping where the enemy is? in Apex is bad, with 4 dudes it has to pump veins in the Brain.


I hope you understand the purpose ping plays and why it works well in Apex/Warzone, and why it wouldn’t work in Overwatch.


Think that’s only for Mercy, not sure.

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Blizzard already tried it in early development, but it might be back in OW2, who knows?

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Sometimes people forget their objective…

Big issue here is that with six players on each team a ton of pings would be going on at the same time, which would be more confusing then helpful most of the time. Maybe a voting system to promote a “shotcaller who can ping” in the beginning would work, but that’s up to the developers.

Are you referring to the apex devtream that called its own playerbase freeloaders and other insulting terms? Sure, lol.

People would just spam it to grief like the “need healing” or “thank you” options. You could then hope they added a mute pings option, but that still takes you time to go into the menu and mute the person’s pings.

It’d be helpful, but would get abused a lot more compared to how many benefits it’d have.