Players of Overwatch need to acknowledge that aim is a skill

That’s the point where I leave the discussion
My final words on this topic:
You are ignorant, you should pick other roles and other heroes, try to learn and understand the mindset. Sombra thrives from all non mechanical skills, you should give her a try.
If you want to learn about complexity play in a coordinated 6stack.
It’s your choice to stay ignorant


Hanzo is a harder to play hero than Widow. Way harder.

Most never experienced this because this become evident only somewhere in Master+ ranks, for the majority Hanzo is a bigger cancer cause before they died to random scatters and now they die (or were dying lol) to randomly aimed storm arrows

If that’s what you want to believe I’m not going to argue with you. Not before the game is fixed anyway.

I did already. For one Mercy is my second most played hero, I’m an amazing :hamster: player, and I played every other hero a decent amount, save for Baptiste and Sigma, because they are new releases, and I really don’t care at this point…

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Just dropping in to say that Moira is fine and doesn’t need any changes. :popcorn:


She needs it so she can deal damage from the backline. It’s hard to see through your team mates. Being able to deal just a little bit of damage to barriers or players can being more value while also recharging your resource occasionally. I don’t understand why it’s a problem since it’s such low dps on its own.

You are that player who thinks aim is the only skill in this game. So I guess the whole tank category is just full of skill less players despite it being the most misplayed role. I mean there is definitely no difference between a gold Reinhardt and a GM one! He is just a no aim no skill hero!


Thank you for proving my point. The muh aim crowd doesnt get what the game is, or the different requirements for different heroes, and where the difficulty comes from.
You also dont really care about aim difficulty vs reward, not really, you just care about some heroes being good and others can struggle all they want even tho they require a lot of work to do well with. I mean who cares about supports and tanks they are just annoying anyway.

Overwatch is unplayable due to bad balancing making burst dmg insane and spamwatch ever present, sucking out skill and strategy from the game.


Because it’s a no aim dps.
Dps heroes have no self heal, so that “low” but unavoidable dps hurts them a lot.

I never said you can’t be really bad with tanks.

Soldier, Mei, Reaper, Bastion, and to a degree Tracer and even more to a degree Sombra.


There is no different requirement for different heroes.
There is a requirement for some, and less for others.

Wat? Is this still about Ana? You know you can’t have supports be better than dps at dps-ing, right?

Can’t argue with that.

How exactly is burst damage insane?
Widow still does 300 damage like always…
Doomfist is pretty OP, but not because of his burst damage, but the manner of his burst damage.

And on that list Bastion actually counter Moira. Yeehaaw! Too bad he is extremely weak, and countered by barrier tanks he was supposed to be good against.

Mei and Reaper do relatively decent against Moira. I wasn’t aware Bastion was countered by barrier tanks… last time I played I noticed he still melted barriers pretty dang quickly, he does still need a lot of support to get established though.

Aiming is a skill.
Its not the only skill though.

Skill is based around many things, including:

  • intelligence
  • knowledge
  • wisdom
  • experience
  • mastering the complex
  • combinational knowledge
  • mechanical skill

Aiming isnt the MOST IMPORTANT skill though, as you seem to repeatedly keep on shouting.


There are definite different requirements for all heroes. Hammond doesnt care about healing other players. Ashe doesn’t care about managing her barrier.

Widow, Hanzo and Doomfish have always had insane burst and people have always complained…


I know full well you don’t believe that.

You need to get hit more by rocks. Or get charged.
And the dps check Bastion needs to pass to actually kill a barrier tank is way too high, even for him. He needs to retreat from Orisa, not the other way around.

You act as if there aren’t healers or healthpacks in this game :joy:

How is support any different then? Sure you can claim that Ana and Zen take skill cause aim. But each support has different aspects to them that make them difficult via problem solving and decision making. Now Ana and Zen need to learn those too, so why is it fair that Moira can deal damage without skill? This again ties into Moira’s low dps. Ana and Zen can deal a lot more damage and punish players who say step in front of a sheild more effectively than Moira. Now when Moira does have her orb and you are 1v1ing her then it is strong, but unless you are out of position, her orb will probably just go through the whole team and tickle them.

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You want me to quote several hundred posts where i say “aiming isnt the ONLY skill”? its a skill, stop trolling.


Generally when I see Bastion on either team he gets his own barriers and unless very sneakily done charging Reins get melted and Orisas shields are up for a little over a second. But hey, not one of the heroes I regularly play so maybe, also haven’t really played him since sigma came out so i’ll have to defer… but… so what about Mei and Reaper?

Not even her.

Remember people calling Ana easy when she was meta? I do. In both goats and triple tank she has been called easy.

People don’t like strong tanks and supports. It is the reason why people are calling Orisa and Sigma easy nowadays too.

It is also why a ton of dps mains love dive. Supports were pathetic and lived in a spawn simulator back then. It is the reason why supports wanted a hero that could deter flankers back in the day.


Of course it is; point being its more important than aim in OW.

That’s not people being hypocrites, they’re just short sighted.

They have a belief that any hero that ism"t meta is weak, and any hero that is meta is OP. They don’t think about how a hero can still be really strong, but just overshadowed or just doesn’t mesh well with the other really strong heroes, so they’re left in the dust.

We saw this with Orisa. She gets released, no one plays her cause dive. She gets buffed. Still dive meta, not gonna do well. Gets buffed again. Oh now we’re in… A deathball meta, she’s still not gonna do well. Gets buffed again. Now we’re finally in a bunker meta, and holy cow Orisa is the “strongest hero out of nowhere!!!” When the reality is no… She was always strong, she just didn’t do well before due to no factors of her own, and needs tuning now that we can see just how dominant she really is when the cards are in her favor.

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Yeah, having a support and a dps invested to deal with a single support, who doesn’t even use the main power of her kit is somehow balanced…

It’s not low though. Because of the accuracy. She is one of the main dps heroes in this current meta. (The other being Sigma.)

Occasionally maybe.

She mostly just spammed the back of tanks. That was indeed pretty easy back in those days.

The first part is of course true. But they are also easy.