Player Stats still missing

Thats how I feel man. I’m checking these forums way more regularly than I should be hoping for an update, or anyone confirming their lost stats were reinstated…


Still missing skins golden guns and player stats

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Bonjour, depuis la sortie d’Overwatch 2 j’ai perdu presque la moitié de mon temps de jeu dans ma carrière. Blizzard va régler ce problème ?


My account still has hundreds of hours missing from Ow 1


My career profile is also incorrect. The time played for specific heroes is wrong. Some heroes have far more hours than I’ve played them and others have less. I assume this bug happened sometime during the account merge but it’s still very disappointing. I like keeping track of how many hours played I have on certain heroes. Is there any way to fix this?


A link to my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

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Yeah. I’m missing about a 1000 hours and nearly every stat isn’t right. It’s really frustrating.


Another patch, no update… Sad times.


I’m also missing a bunch of competitive stats for everything pre-OW2. They were there initially after launch but I noticed all the data was missing a couple of months ago. Super frustrating.


Everyone is, dude :frowning:

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As of April 13, Eight months into overwatch 2 my career profile on console stats are still incorrect going from overwatch 1, with hundreds if not thousands of hours missing from my profile being taken away, as a player who deeply cares about time played and progression this is incredibly upsetting, and as far as I know we haven’t heard a single update for months on progress on this issue so many other console players have complained about and I’m hoping we can hear something soon.


same for me. It has been MONTHS and they said they were going to fix this in a matter of weeks as of last October. I am still missing 1000+ hours in my career profile from OW1.

Has ANYONE actually gotten their stats/hours from OW1 back? Or did they just not fix this at all?

Really hoping my hours aren’t lost, this has put a damper on my enjoyment of the game for so long already now, cause it’s very disheartening that all my progress and years of playing is just not represented in my stats now.


BuffySummers I feel the exact same way. I was just looking at my stats and marvelling like wow, I’ve done that much dmg with Rein all time.

Then I remembered, ah, no, that’s not even close to the real number because my stats are STILL missing.

This has made me a little sad for a long long time. I just pray it’s still actually going to be reinstated. It’s on the known issues list still I guess, the day they remove it from that list without a fix we are F’d

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I want to open a ticket and blizzard it keeps redirecting me to nowhere… My challenge progress its stuck… Fix my problem and stop to make people losing time


I still don’t have my overwatch 1 stats in career screen


Will this ever be fixed? The pinned thread on this issue was made in October 2022 and said it would take “several weeks” to resolve. It’s been over 8 months!

Why is communication from the team so poor? Is it not possible to give us any kind of update?


My career profile has been broken since October. I just want to thank the dev team for all the “hard work” they’ve put into fixing this known issue for the past 8 months. Seriously though, I know the real reason they haven’t actually gotten around to fixing it is because of all the extra time they’ve spent making sure Hero Mode releases on time… oh ya, nvm


this is literally me, my stats are still broken since the launch and still aint fixed

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It will never be fixed. They lost the stats during a migration and will never admit it.

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They haven’t lost the stats. If you request a copy of your player data via the data request form, you can see that you still have all the data attributed to your account. I did this and I had stats going all the way back to when I started playing in season 26 Overwatch 1.

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