So i Just noticed this was a problem, and after doing a little research throughout this forum, apparently, it started about a year ago?? And sorry in advance for bring up a topic that seems to have been beaten to death already…
Anyways, the Start Forcing Player Outlines action doesn’t seem to work properly. Well, until a player dies that is. My guess, the action doesn’t update until the “state” of a player changes. So, with that being in mind, anyone know of a good way to get the Player Outlines to work?
I’ve attached 2 simple rules to show what im talking about, if you’re are unaware of this bug.
rule("Start & End Outlines (Press M1, then M2)")
Ongoing - Each Player;
Is Button Held(Event Player, Button(Primary Fire)) == True;
Is Button Held(Event Player, Button(Melee)) == True;
Start Forcing Player Outlines(All Players(All Teams), Event Player, True, Color(White), Default);
Start Forcing Player Outlines(All Players(All Teams), Event Player, True, Color(Yellow), Occluded);
disabled Start Forcing Player Outlines(All Players(All Teams), Event Player, Is Button Held(Event Player, Button(Crouch)) ? True : False,
Color(Green), Always);
Wait Until(Is Button Held(Event Player, Button(Secondary Fire)), 99999);
Start Forcing Player Outlines(All Players(All Teams), Event Player, False, Color(White), Default);
Start Forcing Player Outlines(All Players(All Teams), Event Player, False, Color(Yellow), Occluded);
disabled Start Forcing Player Outlines(All Players(All Teams), Event Player, False, Color(Green), Always);
Wait(2, Ignore Condition);
Stop Forcing Player Outlines(All Players(All Teams), All Players(All Teams));
rule("Kill & Resurrect all players (Press Interact Key)")
Ongoing - Each Player;
Is Button Held(Event Player, Button(Interact)) == True;
Kill(Remove From Array(All Players(All Teams), Event Player), Null);
Wait(1, Ignore Condition);
Resurrect(All Dead Players(All Teams));
disabled Set Invisible(All Players(All Teams), All);
disabled Wait(1, Ignore Condition);
disabled Set Invisible(All Players(All Teams), None);
- What’s also weird is, the Start Forcing Player Outlines does work, if you set the VISIBLE value to False. This will in turn, remove the RED outlines from all enemy players & the BLUE outlines from all allies.
Also, for allies, since the Blue outlines only appears when allies are on the other side of a wall (NOT in LOS) this will trigger the action to work. Allies will have the specified colored outline after Losing/Getting LOS.
. - For the hell if it, i tried giving the VISIBLE value a condition.
“IF button held: (whatever): then True, else False” however, it only returned the False version of this rule, regardless if the button was ever press or not. [EDIT: so after doing some research, the Outlines action doesn’t reevaluate (although i could of swore it did in OW1) So only IF the condition is TRUE at the time of action triggers, will it be TRUE.]
. - Also, for Supports, you can’t get it to work for allies via the LOS change. Since supports see allies as a solid color rather than an outlines. Death still works though.
. - I also tried changing the visibility of players via the “Set Invisible” action. As someone said this worked for them, however, it didn’t for me.
Set Invisible(All Players(All Teams), All);
Wait(1, Ignore Condition);
Set Invisible(All Players(All Teams), None);