Played Sym Since Launch. My Current Thoughts!

You’re right, but it doesnt change anything.

It means the argument that “Winston doesn’t have to aim eather” is not an argunent.

Winston does have to aim, just less accurately. Sym does have to aim, just less accurately.

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Old Sym didn’t have to aim almost at all.

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Old Sym did have to track and position though. She died way faster than Harambe, so WASD was far more critical, rather than mouse position. So yeah, no aim, but still, way harder to make use of M1 than is implied.

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So? Winston doesnt have to aim much. Moira doesnt have to aim much. Rein doesnt have to aim much. Brig doesnt have to aim much. DVA doesnt have to aim much. Even Hog doesnt need to aim much if he’s breaking a shield.

Characters aim in different ways, it doesnt make them unbalanced.

You dont need to have to aim accurately to be a worthwhile character.


Sym’s lock-on beam isn’t difficult to balance at all. Just add Lock-On as a feature of a 4th Level to the Photon Projector. Bronze players would be severely challenged in reaching the required charge (6 seconds), while crafty Grandmasters would be properly reward for their efforts.

To make Level 4 realistically achievable, I say give Symmetra the following passive…

Turret Synergy

  • Sentry Turret damage contributes to powering up Photon Projector levels, at a rate of -.5 second charge time reduction per 1 second of Sentry Turret damage.
  • Sentry Turrets generate ammo for Photon Projector when damaging Barriers, at a rate of +3 per second.
  • Effects from multiple Sentry Turrets stack.
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It is if you’re Blizzard.

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Who said every hero needs to be equally viable in every rank. By that logic, you can’t balance hitscan either.

It really was!
A symmetra couldnt just sit and latch on. It was a rush to try and dodge whilst connected at close range! A helix rocket or junk spam could have easily wiped u if not careful!

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I disagree with those complaining about her old gun. She needs it back, and the rework went in the opposite direction it should have. She was not originally designed as a DPS-type hero, so they shouldn’t have tried to make her into one. Her new gun sucks. Lock-on wasn’t a problem in Bronze and believe me that’s where my skills fell back at release. It only threatened Genjis and Tracers who rushed right in without looking. Sometimes it worked in KotH maps but people still hated you picking Sym.

The new tele is a neat idea but no one ever uses it. It’s most effective with the whole team, but usually just one or two people are coming back from death, so what good is it on defense? And her new ultimate is so pathetic I won’t speak about it. The changes they made destroyed the Sym we all loved, and now her new fans are trying to say she’s alright.

The only QoL change she got was placing turrets at range. They still die as soon as an enemy spots them, and there’s only three now, so… I guess it was a give and take change. Am I supposed to use them only after an enemy has engaged, and is not looking behind them? I’ll still die before it gets there & primes.

She wasn’t supposed to be a pure damage Hero, and I don’t like her in that role. The change also ruined her gun, as the range was still really short and I don’t believe anyone had a problem with the lock-on, or plays so poorly as to admit it. In a 5ft range, was it really such a problem? Really? You realize it was less than Brig’s melee reach, right? They should try the rework again, and revert her in the meantime or something. Even after, people still consider her a bad/troll pick! >_<

They didn’t put hard work into her. They held back like they did with Sym 2.0 and 1.0. They’ll never make her a valid where she no longer have to be babysit by allies. If they put hard work into Symmetra or perhaps Symememtra. We would’ve seen tweaks to fix her up, but the only buff she gets is 2m on primary out of 2 years wait.


That’s all she needs damage wise. Survivability, that’s another issue.

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You mean, make it to where you don’t have to aim, so that you can spam m1 and hop around avoiding damage, without actually need to worry about aiming.

That’s all I hear.

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The only thing I would add to this is the option to place a temporary Shield Gen instead of a TP.

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Players who are against the concept will never acknowledge why she had the lock on beam to begin with. It was because she had zero survivability especially at close range which is why many Symmetra mains learn to dodge left and right. Of course all didn’t go as plan most of the time, but that was her flanking potential as a hybrid support.


Okay. What about letting Sym repair friendly shields by switching her gun like Mercy and Torb. She could charge her gun while repairing too but has to spend ammo.

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Her primary is weak.

The turrets have too long of a cooldown.

Teleporter takes entirely too long to activate.

Every other hero with a similar effective range as her primary is stronger in said effective range.

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why all this hate on her ultimate? I pretty much lost count of how many times I saved my team from ultimates like Dva’s, McCree’s, Soldier’s and so on with it, I even managed to completely ruin a sextuple kill that would come from Grav+Dva self-destruct! Her ultimate is the ultimate defensive maneuver for the whole team! With some aiming, you can even deploy it from the spawn if you have a minimun awareness of the map’s design.

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Primary fire should take 1.5 seconds to ramp up instead.

Turrets should be 8 seconds.

Teleporter should have a cast time of 1.5 seconds.

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