Played Sym Since Launch. My Current Thoughts!

Been playing this game since launch and have seen every single iteration of Blizzard’s reworks on her. And I believe that she is closer and closer to being a great pick.

But I think Blizzard made a small mistake this time around in reworking her. They took away her iconic primary fire because they thought they had buffed her into goddess hood, when in reality:

  1. Her turrets can still be easily destroyed
  2. Her secondary is good but still needs charge and moves slower than pharah rocket
  3. She has no protection
  4. Her means of escape takes a very slow amount of time in a fast-paced game

Solution: Give her the old primary (with no range increase, and old damage)

Honestly, coupled with her teleporter, I think that her beam can be a very clever tool for her to use and make her kit ABSOLUTE perfection.

I’m not joking.
If it needs to be nerfed afterwards, then I can understand it.
But giving her a long range and short range option would make her perfect.

It would make sense not to give her a defensive capability and it would allow her to punish those who invade the space she is protecting.

If Blizzard gave it back, how much better I believe she would be! Still beatable by Moira in terms of her lock on, but better IMO.

If they don’t then I understand, they don’t want to trash hard work and money put into changing that part of her kit.

But as of now, she is incomplete.
Her primary fire takes still too long to ramp and while it is powerful, it is still doesn’t do much for her own protection (Oh, maybe they could give her extra shields with each ramp instead of the ammo refund?)

Anyways, just my thought! I love our symmetrical goddess and I can tell that Blizzard put a lot of hard work and effort into her!

I appreciate it, Blizz. Thanks!


Lock on was removed because it can’t be balanced. It is op in Bronze but useless in GM. If you buff it to make it better in GM you’ll make it even stronger in Bronze. And the other way round.


Disagree. Lock on beam should still be a thing but it should be her ult. Here’s how:


How many reworks is Sym gonna get :rofl:


As many as it takes to stop making her a troll pick


Good you are no game Developers, because she has a way to get away her teleporter. And no one missed old lock on Symmetra, so go on and dream about it.

But she needs some adjustments on her left click because right click seems better in many situations.


1 - yeah but…the damage is remarkable and takes longer to destroy, they have way more impact, people feel like they have to destroy them when they used not to necessarily bother.
Also D.Va a few meters away can’t destroy them fast at all unless she uses her missiles for that.

2 - agreed
3 - agreed
4 - agreed

No lock on please! And im a symm main.

Symm should be able
To go thru her tp seamlessly without pressing a button, only her though. And it needs a quicker deplyment animation.

Her Turret should have longer range about 14m but health and damage is the same.i hate it when i accidentally put it higher and all it does is stare at tagrets 11 meters away from it.

Symm should gain ult while her barier is up, Hanzo and Hammond can so why not symm?

And why did blizzard disable her tp at spawn? Its just an ability, i mean every hero can use their E in spawn. I dont get it.

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Hanzo and Hammond can so why everyone else can’t :wink:

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Wasn’t OP in bronze… and I should know, I was there long enough.

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I think they need to give her one more turret… 3 is such an odd number.

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I do.


Rubbish. Winston has similar levels of “lock on” (i.e. hit a thing within a cone of effect in front of the character) as Sym, she just only his 1 character at a time.

Being able to aim isn’t the only difference between bronze and GM.


I do.


Sym had an actual lock on. Even LoS didn’t break it instantly. And it wasn’t cone of effect she could hit you if you were anywhere on the screen within her range.

Personally I think her turrets are busted OP.
Orbs are very strong.
Teleporter is terrible.
Beam is horrible. Why can’t she just have a Moira beam? Is that too much to ask?


They are powerful, I will admit! Having four of them would be crazy though @-@ that would be a death wash, not a car wash! XD

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DreamKiddy, how are you my friend!

And yes you may be true, but they could also reduce it power via damage nerf, by a smidge. I would rather have an equal amount of current oppose of this odd number for sure.

Then why not make it more LoS breaky? I think if it was more cony it would work! :slight_smile:

Im doing well my friend!
Been rocking the new Sombra!

Hmm from someone who had to deal with weaker console turrets, I would hesitate, but having more of them Would make it harder to get them all! :slight_smile:

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That is good to hear!

Yes, that is understandable for sure. I think Blizzard love odd numbers for sure.