Played LITERALLY perfectly, ZERO mistakes, we still lose

Not only do you not swap to help your team with pharah you c9 the very last fight and lose the game for your team because of a scuffed roll out.

sorry about the people commenting here they are mostly plat diamond or lower their opinions don’t matter i would recommend you to read this

blizzard matchmaking support the bad players and punish the good tryhard one

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You clearly don’t know hulk. You also probably didn’t watch the replay code. People are on the forums because they can complain here, it’s not the entire player base, not even 5% I’d say, so those vote will be in favor of removing it.


i mean look this plat he think he know how to play the game

yet he didn’t notice all the mistakes your tanks were doing your zarya slooooow grav and when she got it he used it on 3 vs 6 fight (lost fight ) but this plat are one of the bad players that got carried by blizzard matchmaking

again read

so you understand how it works btw iam gm top tank on main


Well aren’t you just the cutest little thing?


People with this mindset are usually directly responsible for loses.

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Hey that mercy got bubbled when you went to combo her and you didn’t kill her.

I thought you said bubble didn’t counter doomfist?

Alright well lemme breakdown this replay and maybe this time you won’t ignore what I say and actually pay attention.

You were afk for practically the entirety of the first point defense. You played super passive and did nothing for a majority of the time. The only thing you did was go for a combo in the beginning and then combo the ana at practically the very end of the fight.

2nd point for the most part you actually did something and weren’t afk.

4 minutes in and so far your soldier and zarya are hard carrying the game. The enemy genji literally is genuinely boosted and / or a bought account. I mean you went in for a combo on a full 6 man team and he whipped out blade… with none of your teammates even within 20 meters of you.

You went for a meteor strike on a tracer??? And the genji dashes into it? Like is this game actually in platinum? What am I watching?

Near the end your team had to carry you as you’re too busy just spamming combos on the rein (which got no where) instead of going for picks on the squishies like you’re meant to as doomfist. And no knocking around the rein isn’t a good excuse when he has CC resistance as a passive literally built into his character. Go for a squishy, stop going for the reinhardt. (Also not to mention the enemy team so far has made no actual effort to counter you so a lot of those squishy kills would’ve been for free)

On attack… your tanks are actually afk. That’s just unlucky. You got sht tanks (trust me. I get them all the time, at this point it’s a trend to just not be good at tanks while the enemy team has OWL level tanks)

But you’re also just spamming your abilities trying to get the pharah. You don’t counter pharah. That is not your job. You got one good kill and you can’t do anything for the follow up on mercy rez. Let the cree deal with the pharah, and you deal with the mercy rez.

Did you have afk tanks the 2nd round? Yes. But to say you made zero mistakes is just completely false.

even 4700 players make mistakes

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One person playing perfectly wouldn’t even beat 6 bronzers

Idk, there are certain heroes that if you executed literally aspect of their kit perfectly, you could totally get past almost any 6 stack (especially when you take into account that your team at least is a distraction). Not in an entire match, but at least in a single fight.


You lost because you played doomfist lol

0:20 - you went in too late on Mercy, she got bubbled, and you damaged the bubble anyway thus charging Zarya
0:35 - you’re landing zero abilities and feeding Tracer here
0:55 - you could be on high ground here so you aren’t feeding Zarya ult
1:02 - whiffed the punch on Mercy
1:21 - shot Zarya bubble
1:52 - another whiff
2:10 - ulting in an already won fight
2:45 - you just walk away from Tracer instead of helping your teammate
3:13 - why go for the tank instead of the support?
3:45 - lots of whiffed shots
4:26 - you could have killed a squishy here… you had cooldowns to get out even if you missed but you ran away instead
4:54 - why are you running away here? It’s an isolated Ana, what are you scared of?
5:10 - using a punch to retreat when you could use it for damage

I’m not going to watch the whole thing… just wanted to point out what I saw in the first few minutes. You spend a lot of time running away when you could get kills, running around doing nothing or wasting cooldowns, or not using cooldowns for kills when you could. Doom is my least played DPS and I still noticed a lot of missed opportunities.