Played 500 games this week

If you can’t get a win from 500 games, maybe you should rethink your hobbies.

I absolutely think you are trolling though


Let’s assume one game lasts 15 minutes and you have 2 minute queue times for each game. That’s 10200 minutes, or 170 hours, for 600 games. One week has 168 hours.

How you are not permanently banned yet for your blatant lies and gaslighting when people call you out is beyond me.



This is by far the 3rd time I have now seen a post like this. Dude, it’s absolutely impossible to get on a 500 game losing streak in 1 week, especially with the math given by 2 other people above this post. At some-point in those “500 games,” u r practically garenteed a win. Unless u r legit the worst player in OW, which even by that standard, I am very positive that the worst player in OW could pull through some wins from other players carrying or something of the sorts. Even in 50 games, ur garenteed a victory, practically. So the fact that u even state 500 games in a week ALONE is already a fat enough lie to the point that it’s just silly.

Like, how r u getting anything to eat or drink? How did u not even give urself time to go to the restroom? Like, we all human here, dude! If u played 500 games in 1 week, u didn’t sleep, u didn’t eat, u didn’t drink, u didn’t leave ur computer for anything at all, and have just sat there, all week, playing OW and doing absolutely nothing else. That is just physically impossible. By logic, u should be either near death or literally, actually dead by now if it were truth, which seeing as that u r able to post and constantly tell people that they’re not correct and such, ur very much alive, hench proving that u Clearly r not saying the truth behind ur words. We don’t need to view ur profile in OW for any proof when u can just use the logic of how the world/humans and such works to prove a lot of other people’s points that they r getting across.


Most of the game I’ve played were under five minutes, and queue times are less than 10 seconds because I queue tank.

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I’d tell you your joke is offensive to Dragonball Z as well as people who’ve died from the bends.


He’s just built different. A 50 yro dude who never needs to use the bathroom :joy::joy:

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I’d genuinely enjoy that


Looked in the twitch channel: OP plays Cassidy/Sym in a QPC Lijiang match. Blue team wins (2:0). Afterwards the weekly arcade games counter shows 8 victorys. :thinking:

I rest my case… :sweat_smile:


Once again not looking in the right place. Sigh. Nobody listens.

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I, for one, believe you.

Show us the account then :slight_smile:


Hypothesis: you’re so bad, even players that can single one-handedly win a game are sucked into a vacuum of oblivion


I’ve asked high-level players to test that theory while grouped with me, but none have done so. I don’t think it would be a valid test anyway though, since anything other than solo queue would cause the matchmaker to behave differently. I’m the only one it’s designed to hate.

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he makes these troll posts on weekends when there is no oversight.


Actually if I wanted to downrank accounts I could probably make a fortune. I can EASILY lose 2000 SR in a day while actually trying to win. Imagine how quickly I could do that if I was trying to lose.

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That’s 22.6 hours.

You figured it out.


I’m absolutely convinced given the fact that they haven’t been banned for repeated violations of the code of conduct that this Ethernyet is a troll account of a mod.

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A couple friends and I boosted him to silver. After that he climbed for a little while.


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not even well, instead of making ppl angy, we are all laughing.

Can’t even do that well hahaha