Platinum Rank nothing but toxic

Welcome to “engagement based matchmaking”. This game is creating unbalanced matches on purpose forcing you win or loose games. Their patents already mentioned multiple times, for example here: Matchmaker is rigged. Since you are new player, game let you win some games and reach plat to increase your engagement. You believed that you are good. But it seems that game also calculated you performance in numbers and its lower that your current rank (it is called “hidden MMR”). Now game is trying to equalize you hidden MMR and your current visible rank. Thats why its creating unbalanced games for you with other people “flagged” to go down in your team. After you will reach you real calculated rank you will be upset and you will want to come back. And game will give it to you. It will create another unbalanced games but you will be in winning team. After win some game again you will be placed in loosers team with toxics and so on. This strategy increases players engagement and forces them to spent more time while grinding in ranked and probably spend more money on skins. Its is better to just uninstall and do not feed this greedy developers.

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