Plat support mains seem tactically naive

I have been grinding a lot for the last couple of days and main supports seem to always throw out bizarre suggestions for hero picks and swaps. Why would a team need orisa when they already have rein? And why is reaper always suggested?

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Oh god, I sure hope nobody is making these suggestions… Like, seriously, just, why…

Because it’s plat and people dont know what they are doing in plat. Otherwise they wouldn’t be in plat.


Only reason for double shields is bastion. Was there a bastion pick?

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I dunno, I’ve seen double shields and/or Reaper just absolutely wreck people in plat. It’s not something I would be campaigning for or anything, but plat is weird, man. Anything can work if the players are decent and willing to work together.

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Reaper does really well against hog on some maps. Especially with a DVa following the reaper around. I had a game yesterday that we won versus a bastion rein combo on a 2CP map. We countered with a bastion rein orissa combo and our shields lasted longer, protected the bastion more, and ultimately got us the W.

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I don’t think so… I really can’t work out the logic of the choice.

At least you get double shield, down in high
Gold people are running Dva hog Zarya dva, 3 dps or 4 it’s insanity lol

Because they are plat main supports that want to win and get carried to diamond.

Since they are playing in plat they know noone has any proficiency at playing genji widow ashe tracer etc.
So they ask for easy heroes more suited to the lobbys skill.