In response to your post as a whole, you have to do just that, put it into context, and when considering OW and what it means to be good in this game you can sure take someone’s name like Shroud and use it to try to prove a point but the reality is OW is not like games that Shroud (or Dr. Disrespect) plays. Ya, he’s a really amazing FPS player but OW has a lot more going on than just that which is exactly why the term “chaos” applies so generously and appropriately to how he listed it. It’s not about the individual players, that’s (mechanical) a portion of it but in the reality of things regarding OW, if we wanna use context like we should and you said, chaos, chaotic, non-exceptional, vapid, under-disciplined… If you want to argue semantics with him go ahead I’ll bow out but for the most part I don’t think you should bother with trying to give him crap over his rhetoric because we both know he isn’t wrong.
Again, but it isnt.
Sorry but you are doing a very surface take of this game and about its ranks in particular. Rank is PERSONAL, the quality of the player itself, and this is a TEAM game so you cant claim it is “chaotic” when it isnt.
In fact OW is one of the most organized FPS there is. If you describe entire ranks as “chaotic” theres only 2 possible choices:
- You lack deeper understanding on the game
- You dont acknowledge theres a clear distinction between personal skill and TEAM skill. The latter is which wins games.
Using vast generalizations and saying “plats lack this and that” is again a very very very surface level take.
He is though, because he is only arguing semantics, not me mate.
I apply language with its proper meaning, not one subject to one’s subjective opinion. ML7 could come here and say that any Ana below GM and with less than 75% accuracy is “trash” and because he is who he is, you would also say “he isn’t wrong” but sorry mate … that would be wrong.
Again, reality is what it is.
Subjective opinions are not real because you agree with them.
This ends here
silver gold plat is just a mess. good players only start to emerge in diamond.
they should just consolidate silver gold plat. that way the mmr would sort the mess out quicker than having everyone grind it out through 3 meaningless ranks.
Can you tell me why the three of you wrote essays worth of arguments about if plats have game sense when the whole point of the post was “it doesn’t matter if you’re game sense is good/bad, you should feel good about your rank”
Ngl a lot of bronzes are better than the average non-gamer I would assume, great point there.