Plat Is Literally The Worst

$12 humble bundle. That’s all I’m gonna say.

Hm… I find Diamond to be worse than platinum. Low diamond specifically.

I haven’t gotten back there in awhile, but so many people are so terrified of losing their diamond rank and they rage hard as a result.

Also the fact that this is where secondary or inactive Master and Grand Master players decay to. So it is sort of a crapshoot with some people who are grandmaster level while others are probably best off in mid-platinum.

For me platinum is the best rank actually, lol

Or maybe some people have enough money to buy them and this is not that much for them so they dont care about it that much. But anyway, i was buying my accounts when price was low.

Money aside, I have more than enough myself. I just don’t know why someone would purchase the same game 12 times. It doesn’t seem like there is enough time to manage all 12 accounts. And the effort involved is nearing the point of insanity. Your life is the game at that point.

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You can buy CD keys for OW for 10$ if you search around. I don’t pay full price usually. I did initially for my main but every other account its been anywhere between 10-15 bucks. Not an incredible amount of money in the long run.

I can definitely see this perspective players who are afraid to lose tend to lose sight of actually winning the game.

Not really honestly I do plenty of things outside the game this just happens to be the game I am able to dedicate part of my work to and my social life with.

12 is crazy I agree but a few of the accounts I just outright don’t use anymore for a number of reasons.

Yea its insanely profitable Blizzard doesn’t get rid of it because it makes OW margins look really really nice.

Not Nice.

The trick is to do things you’ve never done before experiment with new characters and commit to trying to learn these characters. However, sometimes I will swap to my main if my allies are all super cool and the enemies also blatantly have a smurf. It does get kinda difficult but that’s why I have so many accounts when I run out of accounts in an SR range that I’d like to be able to practice in I do just have to get a new one.

I know it sounds odd but gold has literally been the heaven of OW community to me lmao.

Yes, I am. Obviously, individual players have individual differences but as a general statement, it is fairly accurate.

I actually am a DPS main and on these alt accounts, I’m practicing my off/main tanks mostly. Coms does matter in plat. Construct a well thought out argument please because the jibberish you wrote above doesn’t actually mean anything. Also, you are in low plat and have been it seems like I don’t think your input of

is accurate at all.

My username isn’t offenseive literally learn to take a joke please.

These kinds of tanks rarely need to make calls so its understandable that you don’t talk a lot.

I agree with some of this. Callouts if people pay attention are not a marginal thing trust me they will win you the game do not underestimate the power they have IE Anti-calls Sleeps and positions. Getting value out of the better players is really important though I agree but as an off tank I can lead a horse to water but I can’t make it drink.

Bans omegalul

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Did you solo que or stack?


Actually a fair question.

I disagree. Plat players across the board are inferior in every metric to diamond players. Worse mechanical skill, worse positioning, worse ult usage, worse teamwork, worse game sense, etc. This is why they are in a lower rank.

That being said, I do agree that plat players have some big egos. I don’t know if the percentage is higher than diamond because diamond players have some pretty big egos too and it’s not exactly like there’s any way to keep track. But the lower ranked player it is, the more the ego stands out.

I agree. I was just pointing out that I believe that the lack of teamwork is the major thing holding them back.

Yea its just due to the fact that they don’t have much to back up the ego that makes it stand out.

Your username literally says “kill all girls”. Spoiler: that’s offensive.

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Yes, it does. What the actual hell is that username though?

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There are no individuals when you generalize.
The idiocy here astronomical.

Well, since i’m an actual Plat player, i have also a message to diamond+ players who play on lower ranks with alt accounts.

I don’t mind you give some advice to us. I appreciate some of them.
But starting with a title like “[insert_lower_rank] is the worst rank” isn’t really nice to read from the people who are at this said rank.

Well i’m not like that, and i know some others plat players who aren’t like that either.
And i played some game when some Diamond-Master smurf said some stupid stuff aswell.
If you are Master and not Top500, that mean you also make some terrible mistakes aswell. So you can be wrong when you give advice to lower players.

I understand some Plat players are trash and have a top500 lvl ego. But in every rank you meet these kind of players, even in gold rank :wink:

As i said we can take your advices, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a critical thinking about it.

Well i met many players like that in Plat aswell.

I read many thread about Diamond being the worst rank because they have a bigger ego than top500 players, and think they are the one who carry the team everytime and refuse to work and communicate as a team.
Exactly the same description you did about Plat players.

I have a mic i’m always on voice chat, but i never speak, when i’m in soloQ. I do the callout only when i’m stacking.

I know it’s strange and can be considered sub-optimal, but i’m fine with that and it doesn’t have negative effects on my games yet.
It’s just i want to play comp seriously, but to stay on my “focus-bubble”. When i talk, i’m less concentrated in hearing sounds and footsteps and other things like that.

But for my case, i don’t want to “escape Plat”, i’m fine in it. And if i deserve it, or if i’m ready to hit diamond, i will do it naturally.

And many players in Plat think that way. We aren’t some sort frustrated DPS main who think he can carry 1v6.

U are a smurf so stop complain.Dosent matter what u are on your main.U know the gamesense and mechanics dosent matter if u play aim hero or no.

My roommate is a doctor they do generalized statements about given populations all the time despite taking individual cases seriously. Your statement here in the real world doesn’t make sense. Generalizing doesn’t say individuals don’t exist it just says that in general, these are the issues. Generalizing isn’t always a bad thing! :stuck_out_tongue:

If someone’s name was “kill all men” I wouldn’t be offended its obviously a joke. I don’t hate women I love women just like I love anyone else.

Your reasoning is so bad it’s unreal. There is absolutely no logic to why it does and my username is a joke about me having to kill all the girl characters in OW because my friends refuse to lmao.

Sorry if it felt like I was coming at you I would never say every player is like this I was just saying in general they are. I’m sure you’re a perfectly reasonable person I would be more than happy to have in a game with me.

I get this sometimes players give “Advice” but its just backhanded insults. I do my best to avoid doing that.

I will never argue that high elo players don’t make mistakes because we do I was just saying that in general, we are better and taking criticism.

Can be but its more than likely I am not incorrect.

I totally agree I’m purely just talking about the ratio in which I’ve received them.

Idk who wrote that but my buddy is actually a top 500 player and he is one of the most humble dudes you’ll meet. Although that is just one guy. My Diamond experience has been good thankfully.

That’s not true. You just don’t realize it is. As you get better at the game you’ll realize it is holding you back.

thats why you need to acclimate yourself to it. You will never magically get good at doing both you have to actively practice it. I used to be this way when I first started playing.

I’m glad you understand and all that its good to know where your skills is at so you can decide on the next step most players actually do not believe this so consider yourself different.

It does matter simply put.

(Sorry for the late response, i don’t use the forums too much)

Consider yourself lucky. You haven’t experienced real elo hell till you have played in that bracket. I can play just fine at ~2300 elo on this account. On silver I pretty much am forced to hard carry the majority of games.

I have played at plat elo. It is PARADISE comparing to silver.

Skill variance at silver is utterly disgusting. Holy hell is it a smurf pit. I laugh at all the threads of gold and plat players complaining about their elo. Silver is the real armpit of the ladder. Bronze is actually more enjoyable even with the leaver problem. That is how bad silver is.

My biggest problem with Plat is unconcious throwing.

Now, we know people throw on purpose and tilt far easier than they should.
It’s unconcious throwing that is the worst in my opinion and it all comes down to lack of game knowledge and game sense.

The other problem with plat which is related to the above is the inability to take criticism.

These unconcious throwers don’t seen to understand why Lucio/Orisa isn’t optional - or Hog/Zarya - Or Rein/Hog into an Orisa/Hog and they won’t listen as to why that isn’t optimal - they like to blame a role and not see the big picture and are so quick to snap at anyone trying to explain why their hero choice doesn’t work.

It’s filled with people who will constantly think, personally I’m doing well so I can’t be the problem.

And finally - there are way, way too many dps players that vary widely in ability.
I hate dps players with a passion, though a great one is a godsend, but if I had a pound for everytime a dps died 1 vs 6 in posture phase causing us to lose a fight, I’d be able to quit work and retire.

I feel your frustration its not just a plat problem. Try going 58-1 or 46-2 on dva some time and still lose. I have done both… At least at plat tanks generally know how to push and supports have an idea what to do.

Games in silver will literally have at least 1 of the 3 roles not filled properly game in and game out. You have to carry so damn hard there.

I have the same win rate at 16-1700 on my alt as I do at 2300 on this account. That makes zero sense