Placing much higher in Open Queue?

pretty rich seeing xion blame bad teams for his poor placements right after so many threads where he talks down to others.

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He is not wrong lmao, you can definitely have an unlucky streak but blaming others for being hardstuck after thousands of games is stupid lol.


I think I should be more specific. Playing tank and playing support is a little different because they’re game sense intensive more so than DPS.

Do you think a Gold player and a diamond or masters level player have the same aim?

They absolutely can because multiple factors come into someones rank not just aim. You can have sick aim and be plat or have average aim and be masters

The thing a lot of people seem to forget (or possibly ignore) is the fact that rankings are 100% relative to the playerbase.

If most of the good players are sticking to 2/2/2 for the most part, then the bad players spending a lot of time playing in Open Queue no longer have as many people better than them holding them down, and it’s naturally easier to climb to a higher SR.

Ya’ll are only climbing due to a lack of competition, not because you’ve suddenly outplayed the system and ascended beyond the limits of the matchmaker.


I dont blame bad team mates for placement. I blame poorly designed placement system.

A much smaller pool of players naturally inflates ranks.
I haven’t done placements cause i get bored waiting 3+ mins for a match


DPS Moira got me to masters in open comp

In reg comp, im climbing fast in Diamond 3300

I tell my teams to not rely on my healing beforehand.

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Every single arcade “comp” mode has the same thread pop up that people act shocked that they rank up (or down) in a less popular arcade comp mode.

The player base is lower in the fun comp modes, the effort level is a bit less being it’s arcade. That’s all that’s going on. It’s doesn’t prove one is really a secret +2 tier higher (or lower) player based on Comp DM or Comp CTF or Comp Open Queue.
It’s just a fun arcade mode people…

You can’t really make any conclusions based of how you place in an arcade ranked mode. Especially a new one with no previous seasons as the stats will change every day the more people and games being played. Generally you will place higher, i mean I got 3.9k with 7-3 and I didnt’ even play good half of the games.

Anyways, check all the profiles and see where people are in normal comp the current and last few seasons and you’ll get a pretty good estimation of how the arcade mode MMR would translate to normal comp. But again, it can change quickly so the time of your placements can have a huge impact of what SR you end up with, like if you do 10 quick games the first day or two and get somewhat lucky you could end up with an insanely much higher SR than you would have after the mode been out for a while or if you keep playing.

That’s more or less the point I was trying to make but I didn’t communicate it correctly. My 2-2-2 SR is 26-28-26 (T/D/S).

My Open queue SR is 2726 (I mostly tank or DPS). I also waited a few days to do placements but I personally think I was placed pretty much where I belong.

My point is… If you’re a 22-2300 SR player and you place 3k+ AWESOME!! I’m stoked for you dude!! That’s cool!! But I don’t think you should use that as a frame of reference to say the 2-2-2 MM is broken. I think you would find a game against true 3k plus people a little more challenging…

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My friend who is normally gold/plat in role queue placed mid-diamond in open comp on his alt account and now he’s boasting about how he’s “smurfing on his main account” and that he’s a god because he won against people who are masters. I’m kinda at a loss of words.

Also, this:

Its not matchmaker what is broken, its placement system :slight_smile:

Screenshot it and send it to him back when he drop down :slight_smile:

Lmao. He stopped talking to me after I told him that if he genuinely was a diamond dps he wouldn’t be “stuck” in gold in role queue.

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sad to see how people making fun of lower ranked players, who have finally an opportunity to play at an appropriate difficulty with a halfway satisfying SR calculation.

„you are not as good as you think you are“ is irrelevant, because, yet, we have the SR we have right now. So in this mode everyone is literally as good as their SR shows.

All reasons for this are completely anecdotal. There could be less smurfs or less trolls. There could also be fewer „really skilled“ players pushing the noobs down, so that the average skill is not the same as in RQ.

But it doesn‘t matter, because what‘s really important here is the resentment and salt from entitled „good“ players, that don‘t grant „weaker“ players a rewarding and motivating gaming experience. At all. Because we have to realize that we are just trash.

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And yet when others criticize the same system you either attempt to rank shame or accuse them of blaming their teamates.

Get you s*** straight.

My opinion is that placement system is bad, show me one post where someone else was saying that and I didnt agree. Comp system has several parts, initial account placement is just one part. Matchmaker is another part and working well for example, thats my opinion.

What is he gold/plat for? Tank players and I would argue support players can reasonably adapt to higher tiers of play because at some point, you can essentially just hold the shield, press w, and the DPS will kill everything around you.

Conversely, if he placed mid-diamond for being a flex player (which is honestly more important) I would honestly like to see him put into a true diamond level game and perform.

Having been in that situation (playing on a friends account) some games you’ll do fine!! Others you won’t do anything at all because you’re not ready.

And some heroes become op because their counters are banned for the week…