Placed in triple digit bronze: WTF

Hi. I created this account around 2 month ago to try out new heroes which I have never played before. I placed in season 11 at a reasonable spot for a new account. I dropped a little, but climbed back up and surpassed my career high. In season 12, I placed lower than I did in season 11, though I did better in my placements. I won 9/10, with gold obj. Kills, Elims, and damage in each one. However, in season 13, something strange happened. I was doing my placements today, and I ran across people who were triple digit bronze. I tried my best to carry my way out, but still lost 9/10 of the games. People told me that my performance in the games matters, and not if I win them or not. That seems to be completely untrue; I placed with around 900 sr, and am now giving this account to my brother. I am so annoyed that I am probably quitting the game altogether; I have not learned anything about how to play dps while in these bronze games. I need some help with this.

Wins matter more than performance, just like the regular season. Also, if you don’t play an account much, it can move much more during placements. See Season 9 Placements Analysis, High Variance Explained for more detail.

Lol this is the only account I have been playing for 2 months. I’ve been grinding sr until the placements screwed me up.

I was really confused when I suddenly started playing with low bronze players.

What did you end season 12 at?

I dropped ~1000 sr, ended at like 1600 after climbing from 1100. Started at 2500.

Am I just bad?

Your numbers don’t add up. You don’t drop 1000 SR during placements if you are active in competitive.

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If you want to climb i have a post and i guarantee if you follow my guide you will end the season silver or above! Want to try?

Not in placements, I dropped during the season. I went on a huge losing streak, the a huge winning streak.

Ok, just give me these exact numbers (log into your career profile in game):

Previous season ending SR
Number of games played in previous season
Placements record
Starting SR in new season

So. I cannot use my computer now, because of my parents, but this is what I remember.
Old sr: Around 1500/1600
New sr: 975
Games played: I don’t
know, probably 150 or so
Season 11: ~2500
Season 12: ~2000
Will edit when I get access to my computer. (Doing this on my phone)

Legit if you’re actually 2k ish skill wise you’ll never drop to sub 1k unless you purposely throw, OR you do belong in there. What you got placed at at the beginning doesn’t matter, what matters is what SR you can actually comfortably play and hover around on. You’ve been constantly dropping, and that is saying something. Can’t blame your teammates, you’re the only common factor in your 100+ games.


Tbh I do go off on my own, but there came a point where i got bored with the game and wanted to have fun. I played reaper every game and shredded people. The only thing I may have done wrong was getting super salty in all of my games. But this is because I was already on a bad luck streak, and was in a bad mood at this scuffed game and scuffed competitive system. Gameplay wise, at least i thought that I was better than the bronze players I played with.

There is no ‘gameplay wise’. You either contribute to winning or you don’t. And what does that mean? Engaging when it matters. Killing targets that matters. Helping your team getting the objective. And so on and so on. If you’re serious about wanting to ‘climb’ AKA improve, record your gameplay and let your VOD be reviewed by other people, OR even yourself. Killing does not matter when your whole team is dead, it’s not the objective of the game. You can have crazy elims like 60 kills and still lose if you only farm stats and engage at terrible times.

Lastly; getting kills as Reaper in low rank is incredibly easy. Yet you can get all the kills and still lose because you aren’t playing the objective. Got an enemy Pharah that is wrecking your team? Yeah, your easy in your face one shot hero can’t help you on that. It’s apparent you cant recognise winning conditions and are just basing your performance on ‘I killed this much, why is my team still losing’.


Lol ur not supposed to play the objective on most maps, but around it.
I also flex when I need to, and try to help my team. They’re just so bad and get tilted so easily.
It really doesn’t matter though, since I’m quitting anyway. I created this thread because I was super pissed, and probably will move to a better game with a better comp system.

You don’t get my point if you’re taking ‘objective’ literally. Go ahead play other game if you’re not enjoying OW. Clearly you care more about blaming others than improving internally. Play that thing called Fornite or something, it doesn’t require much team play if at all.

See ya.

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Stop with the salt pls it make me feel bad

If you are saying that bronze isn’t awful, you should check out a mental health expert

There’s no shame in being bronze. I was in the 800 range for like a month. The key is to admit your faults and to work at them. Being low doesn’t mean you’re condemned to there for eternity.


I won’t disagree that the comp system is lacking, but if you’re actually providing value to your team, over a larger amount of games, you will climb. Unless you consistently don’t add value, then you’ll drop.

Anybody who waves these “supposed” medals around is clueless. You’re in the lowest tier out of a 40+ million player base. If you can’t find fault in your performance, you’re delusional and meant to drop.

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You say you are a plat player?
A plat player would not lose 9/10 games in bronze, people down there stand still to shoot…
Stop deluding yourself into thinking you are better than your teammates and focus on improving if you really want to climb.


Okay, when you start playing comp, your VERY FIRST GAME on an account is about 2400. there is no magic behind the scenes just because its placements. you simply can’t see your SR for 10 games. While your account is still new and you’re still playing your first games, your SR moves a TON, as it’s based on your overall performance EVER. so if you played like a potato for a few games in your placements, even if everyone else did too, it’s still below average for that rank, and losing the game will lock in a huge SR loss.

Before anyone jumps down my throat, this obviously isn’t 100% accurate to how the system works, I’m just trying to make it easy to digest for OP.