Place your bets on Mercy's next nerf

Bookmarking this thread specifically to shame people in a couple of months when they start asking for nerfs again, because it will happen. It always does.


Moira’s bug fix, was stated long before implementing it. IT was a seriously important change that ACTUALLY affected her.

Mercy’s case is a bug. Exploiting something that shouldn’t have happened. Gaining ult charge by something that wasn’t happening. If tomorrow, genji gets a new bug that allows him to gain ult charge while in the middle of blade, do you consider it a nerf to remove that bug?

As for why mercy is being nerfed, The answer is obvious. She used to be low effort high reward. And ana was high efforts low reward. Changing ana alone wasn’t enough to fix it. So mercy needed to be toned down for a more balanced outcome.

Also, the healing nerf didn’t change the viability of mercy. She still deals more healing than ana and most other healers. It’s just that with the change in meta and fights transitioning from long range sniper battles to close range brawls or diving, and the lucio buff, ana just provides a better mid fight kit than mercy. Of course, only if you’re skilled enough with ana.

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The Mercy circle **** is getting old at this point :^)

The thing is, a not too long ago, she was able to damage boost Hanzo’s Dragonstrike and guess what? It increased the damage. But now she can’t. Is it a bug fix or nerf?

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I don’t understand who these DPS mains are that complain about Mercy so much. I quit Mercy after Season 4 and became a DPS main. I never had an issue with Mercy.

They just whine to whine. Blizzard used to ignore the whiners when this game first came out. I see now that they just balance to keep people quiet, regardless of whats really needed.

If you didn’t ensure Mercy was dead before you Ulted and she Rez’d everyone, that’s your fail as a DPS. Accept it and continue on. But nah, we’ll just complain on the internet.


I am perfectly fine with the need for a balance and that Mercy needed to be toned down. But they also lowered Mercy’s skill ceiling in the process. If Mercy was low effort high reward she is now even lower effort slightly less high reward. The nerfs made her easier to play, and as a consequence less fun to play.

I have made a thread on the topic that you can read below (please expand it as it is more than one paragraph):

She’ll have to periodically reload her staff.

I mean 80% of other threads are also not constructive in anyway. Because guess the next Mercy nerf is apparently on par with, if your main was having cereal for breakfast what would they choose… :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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Hmm might be a possibility, seeing how the developers could have beene testing the possibility Moira’s healing ability

There won’t be another Mercy nerf, because she’s more in line with other supports. Not necessarily in the best way, but she’s in line with them now.

That is what they always said. “She is balanced now”.
Month more of whining… “Next nerfs are on the PTR”

Sorry, seen it too many times.

You know how often the Mercy just flew in from the spawn room doors and rezzed with basically no counterplay? That was cheap and horrible. There’s a reason everyone hated mass rez except Mercy players.

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Can this wait for a bit?

I have do some calibrations.

She’s not OP anymore. That’s enough for people to stop asking for nerfs. Whether she’s UP or not is pretty debatable, especially since players are used to being able to run her into any comp or map, attack or defense, which is an extremely easy explanation for why her winrate is below 50%.

I don’t think the rework was good, I’m just saying she’s not OP anymore. Personally I do think she’s balanced, but when the reason for the rework is to prevent “Hide and Rez”, and yet her current rez only guarantees that hiding for a rez is the most effective way to play Mercy. The only difference is it’s one person, and it has to be extremely safe before you can even touch E.

Also, I don’t get why Mercy can’t crouch during rez. She already moves super slow anyway.

I think they’ll do a nerf to her GA as people unrightly complain about her mobility.

Something to slow her down, reduce the height or distance of bunny hop or reduce the sling shot effect.

See, now her main aspect is average, so her OP aspects are less nerf able without killing her. Blizzard’s choices have put Mercy in a weird spot where she is equally OP and below average. Now quite sure how that happened tbh

I’m finally fine with Mercy after the heal nerf.

They did tho. You arent required to have mercy slave in your team anymore.

A fun thread (and many of those get locked anyway) is not comparable to a bitter, sarcastic topic that singles out an entire group of players and belittles them while simultaneously being nonconstructive.
All this topic does is alienate people not on OP’s train and promote equally negative, sarcastic replies like “dps mains will whine until GA is removed” and “They’ll just remove her next” which aren’t realistic but are instead festering in vitriol and bitterness.

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What would sound better is an intellectually honest attempt to have a discussion without resorting to blanket insults to a scape goated group of players you’re attempting to turn into he boogeyman.

Believe it or not- it WASNT just Dps mains who complained.

Tank mains complained.

Support mains complained.

And- Now try not to let this tidbit blow your mind, FLEX players complained. Believe it or not- plenty of us play ALL the roles, or more than “just deepz”- and they complained too

Many of these individuals, from all of these groups- have even spoken up in this thread.

Arian needs to get off her horse blaming a single group of players for her problems.

It was from many angles. None particularly more common than the other.

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