Place your bets! Hero 30!

Maybe Echo tbh.

As much as Id like Junker Queen, they did say in a stream last year about Echo’s development process like which parts are done and worked on (sorry I cant recall anything specific, memory is fuzzy). And also, Echo looks pretty much done judging from the cinematic last year.


I hope so, tbh. However, they did say that Echo will not be Hero 30, so my hope is for a double hero release, so they can be like “GOTCHA SHE’S HERO 31 BUT YOU GET THEM AT THE SAME TIME LULULUL”.

Other than that, I’d like Junkerqueen, but she looks more like a DPS or Off-Tank at best to me. And we desperately need main tanks and main healers.

I think Lynx 17 was specifically mentioned to be ‘not a fighter’ but I guess they could be a Mercy type hero. (though that might have been Maximillien, or both of them?)

I hope its Dmon or Overlord; not only are they the coolest looking of the MEKAs but I feel are also the most likely to be a main tank or support.

that being said, having Lynx 17 in as a non-binary character would be cool just for the delicious manchild neckbeard rage.

A proper normal Omnic character is long over due. They supposedly make up a significant part of the world population but only 1/29 OW heroes.

Id honestly like a main tank as well, but done in a different way.

Like use something else besides barrier that they can function as a main tank? Idk what it would be but it would be interesting to see what they can do thats not a regular shield.

I think it’d be neat to use something like torbjorns ultimate gun that reduces damage that passes through specific zones, maybe debuffs people that pass through it too.

Good for heroes like soldier who’ve been torn down by barriers.

I still place my bet on Echo

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Maximilien or a Tank, a Tank for Talon

I hope it’s sanjay korpal, a talon tank.
I only want a tank so I can charge my sym beam easier.

if it actually is sanjay korpal, I could give him symmetra’s revenge after lying to her saying that she is making the world a better place.
I will obliterate him with turrets :smiling_imp:

Jeff Kaplan, works like Sombra but instead of hacking he reduces a random stat or ability


D.mon, the MEKA pilot you didn’t mention here.

Pls blizz, she would be a perfect main tank if all you did was give her the right abilities.

  • Barrier that can protect teammates. (Idea is for it to become a bubble around her that moves with her when she moves, smaller than Winston’s bubble but stronger and large enough to fit teammates inside)
  • Short dash on a low cooldown that knocks enemies away (mainly useful for moving in/out of fights and returning from spawn)
  • Melee attack that does AOE damage in a smaller arc than Reinhardt
  • A high burst damage single target grapple attack

I love them, but I don’t think they are fighters.

I don’t anyone who has anything to do with doomfist

I want the flying one I think his name is “Overlord” :ok_man:t2:

Anyways, I think it’s going to be a new hero that we know nothing about.

It has already been confirmed she wont be hero 30

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Prediction: Another female hero who is incredibly OP

I’m hoping for max, the time is right.

  • Paris map released
  • Archives coming up (potentially talon themed)

Yes a new hero you know nothing about… oh if only someone told you…

Gonna go silent for a week.

Also :skull_and_crossbones: :princess: and 🐶 Puppy vid: Just Waiting (part4)

It will be a previously unknown character, almost guaranteed.

I wouldn’t mind Lynx 17. But how would another hacker work?

Perhaps “they” could have abilities that hack “their” own teammates to reduce cooldowns or boost abilities depending on the specific teammate hacked (like Lucio could get a constant personal speed boost for the duration of the hack)…

Perhaps Lynx could also have an ability that hacks one of Sombra’s hacked health packs to either reveal her current location with a wallhack or to somehow poison her teammates with a “virus” when they use that health pack.

Cool ability names for Lynx of course would be Overclock and Firewall… IMO.

I still believe they are pranking us and Echo is hero 30. But if Echo isn’t hero 30 it’s either someone we have never seen before or junkerqueen. That’s my final answer :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a hero that progresses the story line and kicks off a series of Blizzard actually doing regular lore-related inserts which generate interest in the story line and get people back into the game.

I can hope.

No idea about what you mean.