Pink Mercy Skin

can we please bring back pink mercy the one time i was out of town the promotion was on i missed and im still mad about it please bring it back!! its a worthy cause as well a second round cant hurt right :frowning: please blizz yall makin me beg


so you were out of town for 2 weeks? with no laptop or anything


Making exclusives come back is a slippery slope. Bring back Pink Mercy? Well, why not some old blizcon exclusives like Bastion and Winston? And as much as account sharing is against the ToS, Iā€™m sure busy people who really wanted the Mercy skin asked their friends to get it for them. And with Pink Mercy you simply bought the skin, that is pretty easy to do remotively anyway.

Mercy has tons of beautiful skins, and exclusives should stay exclusive.


if they bring back pink mercy, wouldnā€™t mind some of the old bliz con skins

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Iā€™m sure people who donā€™t have them donā€™t mind. Maybe some who do have them. I just personally feel like limited time things that were clearly going to be that way, shouldnā€™t make a return. I myself have some time specific skins but definitely not all of them, but I do not wish to aquire stuff that I wasnā€™t ā€˜ā€˜there forā€™ā€™ in the first place.

Itā€™s cool to see others with old rare skins that I donā€™t/canā€™t have and regonize that theyā€™ve been likely playing for a long time.


I was yes I was actually on the other side of the country enjoying my vacation :confused:

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I dont expect it to come back, but all the exclusives should come back for a limited time. Would be a cool Anniversary event or something

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I could potentially see them doing something like that after the release of OW2, but maybe thatā€™s wishful thinking

I want ONCE to check new forum and donā€™t see a 'Pwease Blizzard bring back Pink Mercy" -thread.
It was a LIMITED TIME dkin. Bring it back (or other limited skins) would be unfair. I missed Blizzard Monke and did not buy the Spitfire skin for him too. I wish I would have these skins BUT I know they are gone and thatā€™s ok. Live with it.


When I play Mercy, I make sure to put down the enemy Mercy on the other team that has Pink skin old yeller style just for this, no matter the cost. Sick and tired of seeing this for going on years now, basically every day.

I donā€™t know that it should come back, but if it does, I hope that also offer some other pink skins for other heroes. With the special effects and everything.

I bought the skin but I almost never use it. But I feel for those who donā€™t have it.

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Itā€™s a butt ugly skin. Her hair looks like itā€™s been glued on. :sweat_smile:


at this point itā€™d be the only thing saving the game from dying


Well maybe you should have been hereā€¦like since this year started

Im pretty sure this is the first pink mercy skin thread of the year


Imagine if Overwatch allowed ā€œHatā€ trading like Team Fortress 2

:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:

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The same reason why i dont use Huang Zhong Hanzo. The entire skin looks amazing but that beard looks fake af.


I just want them to add cross progression. Recently switched to PC and have lost access to all of my skins including pink mercy and goats brig.

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Thatā€™s pretty much a roadblock by Sony/Microsoft. Theyā€™re being stingy about letting customers switch without it being complicated.

I donā€™t get why MS would be weird about it. Sony, sure. Itā€™s Sony.

Eh Iā€™m not sure how much of a roadblock it is in 2021. A LOT of games that come out have it or have added it. Destiny added it to their game after like 3 years.

Unfortunately activision isnā€™t known for their consumer friendly practices.

A lot of games arenā€™t all games. There are still some that have to go through a legal process to get approved.