Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

If you’re mad about someone using 1 skin, which is something virtual, I hate to say, but you need more happiness in your life. I hope to see Mercy players rocking with Pink Mercy one day!


it might well be…if this had actually occurred

none of this has happened yet…no new skins, no return of Pink Mercy


If something is dead it’s this game and not this thread.


Why are people so creepily obsessed with a single, horrendously ugly, skin?

I do not get it.


Its so strange to use as this their end all be all argument killer thing because it is a completely different team and is about something way different than a skin that they said isnt coming back.

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actually, we have not been told that the skin isnt coming back

The point of Hulks linked post is that plans can and do change, especially when it comes to things related to overwatch.

The “plans” piece is related to what we actually have been told


I’m new to overwatch, but there’s another case that a “limited skin” was available back?

There have been many of these, actually.


For example? The only one that I know is Demon Hunter Sombra

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Hulk did the research on this, so I leave it to him to provide the details


Ah ok, it’s such a big thread and it’s always the same conversation
She’s not back
She need to be rare
The foundation don’t want it bla bla

actually, BCRF has stated in writing - multiple times, and recently - that they would love for the offer to return

as far as rarity, there are already close to 900 thousand instances in existence, so I dont see this skin as being rare at all, nor do I believe that selling a few hundred thousand more would change that much


Every time I see conversations about Pink Mercy, people seems to be more concern about the exclusivity status and not the cause. Which proves my point that majority of the players only want to show something that not everybode has. If you talk about the foundation, they always bring other “pink” characters to hide this feeling.

I personally could care less with exclusivity. It’s just a game lol

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while there are some folks concerned about exclusivity, I dont believe that the majority feel that way

none (or almost none) of the folks who want the skin to return are concerned about exclusivity. this is almost solely a concern of those who have already purchased the skin

I dont see the premise of this statement being true, and ergo I dont see this conclusion as being true


but I’m talking about the “Anti-Pink Mercy” people, not the new players… They are jus frustrated because they like Mercy and can’t have one of her best skins. I understand. Back then, not everybody had time or money.

there are also many players who simply didnt play OW back when the offer was made. One doesnt buy a skin for a game one doesnt play.


Exactly!! I think it’s unfair. Like, come on, everybody deserves a second chance. And the Pink Mercy skin has demand. Well, only time will tell. At least the charity events will be back, but idk if is the same


hope springs eternal


The Doomfist thunder skin is one that I know was labelled as limited time and later brought back…


lol that’s a tough topic, I never know what to think