Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

except…thats not what I said

at all

It’s possible, but it would undermine the limitedness! Exclusive is about restrictions, LE refers to numbers, and LT refers to a specific window. The window and terms were explicit; there was no ambiguity about how and when to participate or what you would receive. These combined terms and facts paint a very specific picture that is difficult - perhaps even impossible - to reconcile with returning Pink Mercy.

The other points raised mean that it is really unlikely she will ever return. Anything is possible, but the status quo is often easier to maintain than change, and it has been over four years. The math isn’t there, nor is there a reason for it. I also don’t see the appetite for such an undertaking.


Why would they bring back a skin when they can create a new one and get more donations? Bringing Pink Mercy back will exclude the ~800k people who donated the first time (rough estimate cause Blizzard made 12.7 million in donations for BCRF).

I honestly don’t see this skin ever coming back. Will they do another BCRF donation skin? Maybe, who knows but if they do, it will most certainly be a different skin.


Hey, I just checked, and yeah, pink mercy still isnt back.


first, Blizzard is badly in need of a public relations boost, for reasons I’ll not go over here, and charitable actions are a common way many organizations in need of such a boost go about getting said boost

second, Pink Mercy is ready to go. I am strongly in favor of more charity skins, but these dont exist right now, and creating them would require diverting dev resources from OW2, which still isnt a complete game.

third, this isnt an “or” case, it is an “and” case. Ie, if a second hypotheitcal charity skin were to be created, both of these two skins could be offered for an even bigger bag of cash for charity than would be earned if only one of them ere offered

fourth, I think the demand for he Pink Mercy skin is grossly underestimated. Not only are there folks who never got the opportunity to buy it the first time around, but the existing buyers have also declared both here and on other discussion websites that they want to buy additional copies for newer accounts they’ve created after the original offer period ended. The demand remains strong even years after the original offering.

as mentioned above, they arent excluded at all

also, the number is not 800k people, it is in the mid 900 thousands of instances.

said another way, some folks bought more than one instance so that they could have this skin on more than one account

Thats fair - but - I and many others believe the skin will return, and threads like this help keep those with decision making powers aware that the demand remains strong, even years later


Does BCRF or any organization want to be associated with them due to that need? It seems wrong to even suggest that Blizzard should bring back Pink Mercy to garner goodwill and PR. Besides, it wouldn’t accomplish that goal anyway.

Blizzcon Bastion is also ready to go; should he, too, return? This is a weak justification.

The “bigger bag of cash” would come from the second skin since no one would be excluded. However, the campaign would raise diminished returns. The motivation to donate $15 or more would lack the same urgency, incentive, and drive for both new and old participants with a new precedent for limited edition donor incentives to be made available again. There is no way to make it a one-time thing.

How do you know that? I would argue the demand is grossly overestimated. At the height of the campaign, 2.2% of the player population participated. Pink Mercy was a massive marketing effort across every channel both in-game and on-platform storefronts! Across social media for all involved entities and it still had just 2.2%! The only difference now is it has never returned, which has undoubtedly increased its appeal and interest. I would also note that interest doesn’t usually wane with time; the longer you go without something, the more you want it. So wanting something for a decade doesn’t mean much and is not a worthy consideration.

Regarding new people, that segment will always exist. There will always be new players, so you can never satisfy this as an objective. It’s ok for players to miss out on a purely cosmetic item that provides no advantage.

Nine hundred thousand participants are excluded; there is no way around that. Sure some were banned or lost access, but even if we are generous and say 10%, that still means over 800,000 are excluded. The percentage of players that want to buy it for multiple accounts is small and not a compelling factor, especially as Blizzard wants players to have one account.

These threads also help to outline why maintaining Pink Mercy’s exclusivity is necessary and appealing to players. The status quo is easy to maintain, but changing it is much harder. There isn’t any reason for Pink Mercy to return. Every talking point has been dismantled several times and is easily overcome by the idea of introducing a new campaign and exclusive charity skin.

For these reasons and those previously raised, I don’t see an appetite or reason for BCRF and Blizzard to revisit Pink Mercy. Pink Mercy should remain exclusive to participants of the original charity campaign held over four years ago and not return.


Sure. Alongside every lies and misinformation and hoax you guys are propaging without any proofs ? Because as far as i know I’m the only one to have sent a proof on this topic.

Quote on blizzard website : limited time only

Quote on the association website : limited time only

Quote on playstation store for sf5 skins : limited time only

But sure the association is gonna risk to be put in a bad buzz by rereleasing a donation skin just because a minority didn’t get her. And don’t say " only 900k donated they could get more now " no she won’t. Why ? Because if you guys really wanted her you would have paid for her by then.

The excuse " i wasn’t playing by then " doesn’t work . Do you go to idk let’s say a statue creator that does like 400 copies only then never this one again " yo i want to buy the sold out statue from years ago . Do it . Because i don’t have it I’m not caring if peoples did buy it by knowing it was limited I’m saying i want it ok so do it. "


correct, albeit actually rather than technically

Ive suggested it come back every October, as thats BC Awareness month


Well said!

@Fluttershy well said too!

It is no surprise they are ignoring the posts which says it all lol


I’m sure Blizzard and BCRF thought of that when planning the campaign in 2017. Instead, they decided to make it a one-time, never to return, and limited-time-only event featuring the exclusive Pink Mercy! They would’ve done an annual campaign if they wanted to raise more money or make it more broadly available. The under two-week eligibility window also provide immense insight into the strategy. They could’ve easily gone with a month or more! They deliberately elected to go the very limited time and exclusive route. They wanted to create something very special and limited, and they accomplished what they set out to do. It wouldn’t make sense to reverse course four years later!


They don’t want any discussion, so it is in line with that position that they ignore any responses that diverge from their view that Pink Mercy “will return.” Their proposed justifications for changing the status quo are weak and easily dismantled, so I understand why they don’t want to engage in a dialogue. It’s much easier to ignore and pretend opposing views are attacks.

It’s unfortunate because I was interested in that dialogue. The idea of returning highly coveted limited edition content is an interesting one. Some people operate in a vacuum, so it isn’t much you can do.


They will not make as much money as they would with a new skin is what I meant. They can take any skin they make and make it into a charity skin easy enough.

Either way Pink Mercy is more than likely not coming back.


I believe that there are several very popular characters that a charity skin could be made for and sell well, DVa comes to mind immediately. Even if they dont hit the 12-13 million dollar level that Pink Mercy did on the first go-round, they could certainly hit 5 to 6 million, and thats a nice big sack of cash for BCRF too.

All that said, I dont think they can spare resources right now for a second charity skin - not with the game being called OW2 in an incomplete state

I get that, but I and many others feel there is a very good chance of this skin returning, with several contributing factors already pointed out earlier in this thread.

With that hope in hand, this thread and others like it continue

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I been lurking this thread and reading. I would like to see her return since I missed out on buying but you keep ignoring counter points that people are making that make sense. The factors were debunked already. if this is a discussion or debate then why ignore valid counter points?


I don’t remember saying I cared.

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That would explain why you’re projecting that sentiment onto others.

Not projecting. Just pointing out that you only want the skin because it looks cool and has nothing to do with you wanting to donate to a cause.

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I really do hope they bring back the pink Mercy skin! Imagine how much money they could make with “millions” of people ? Make the skin no less than $500 and watch the money roll in!

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And I’m pointing out that you’re projecting. Also, I have the skin (on console).

They won’t bring her back because Blizzard doesn’t know about marketing, we’re already seeing it in OW2, nothing for Mercy in the store and they know they’d win a lot, but the reality is quite different, unfortunately Mercy in OW2 will be totally dead.